Chapter 3: love at first sight?

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I wake up around eight am, to which I groan since it's way too early. But when I hear Hori's voice in the hallway I remember how today's a big day for her and I should get up. So I throw the blanket off and walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Suddenly, Hori enters the bathroom in a haste as I left the door open. "Oh my god I'm gonna be late!"

I panic, "What? When's the interview?"

"At nine!"

I pause and deadpan, "You have a whole hour."

"But it's always better to go early!"

I put my hands on her back and guide her out of the bathroom. "Stop stressing Hori, you're gonna rock that interview."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Cause I know you Hori, you're awesome."

She calms down for a while, "Aw thank you 'Zumi." Then she remembers something, "Oh and ask me any question. I wanna see if I'm prepared"

"Okay, uh so Miss Kuroo, tell me about yourself."

Her face immediately becomes serious and she stands up straight, "Um okay, my name is Kuroo Hori, I'm a second year finance major at Tokyo University and I"

Kuroo knocks on the door and opens it, "what're you guys up to?"

Upon his entrance, Hori changes the subject, "and I really like this shirt" She grins pointing at the shirt she was wearing. I give her a confused look but she brushes it off, turning to Kuroo, "Oh we were just talking about clothes and stuff."

Kuroo furrows his eyebrows, "Yeah... I don't care." Then he leaves.

"What was that?" I ask Hori.

She sighs, "I didn't tell Dad and Tetsu about the interview, in fact they don't even know I was looking for a job."

"Why not?"

"I guess I just don't want to get their hopes up you know?"

I shake my head, "Why are you so worried about this, they'd be very supportive no matter what happens."

"You're right... but I still wont tell them about this interview until after I'm done with it."

I smile, "Just do what you think is right. Now I'm gonna go back and brush my teeth. While you go down and eat something."

"Okay, Mom." The sarcasm evident in her voice. I laugh at that and close the bathroom door.

I was in the middle of taking off my shirt to change when I heard my phone ringing from my room. "Hey, your phone's ringing." Hori calls out.

"Answer it for me"

"Um it's your boyfriend Hikaru-kun. I'm picking up okay?"

"Shit" I mutter, I quickly try to put on the shirt but my head wont get through the neck line causing my voice to be muffled when I try to say, "No don't answer that!" I then push the door open and try to stop her but she had already answered.

"Hey, this is Hori, Izumi's sister... Oh Izumi, she" I step in front of her and shake my head quickly signalling her to tell him I'm not here. She gives me a confused look but complies anyway, "she isn't here... yeah she forgot her phone at home... no I don't know where she went so early in the morning, but I'll tell her to call you back... Okay, bye." She then gives me sharp look. "Now what was that."

"Nothing, just didn't feel like talking to him" yeah there's no way Hori was gonna believe this stupid lie. Well, technically it had some truth. I really did not wanna talk to him.

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