✎ p.parker ⇢ drop of a ring (🎃)

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prompt: ned is convinced that the new student at midtown high is a vampire, and peter is starting to think so, too

warnings: supernatural!fem!reader, not much romancing but there's obvious interest on peter's end

notes: i made a visual aid on pinterest to show you what I imagine you guys wearing in this au! user is the same there, but I'll add the link on my convo. board just in case :)

edited: 11/5
words: 1289


About a month ago, the most interesting person had joined Midtown High. She was quiet, yet was the most popular topic at school. Why, you might ask?

No matter what, even on the hottest days of the year, she always waltzed into school with layers upon layers of black clothing, covered from head to toe; an umbrella always in her possession.

How hasn't she dropped dead from a heatstroke? The world may never know.

For just that reason, some have already ruled her off as a class A weirdo. But, Peter? Peter thinks she's the most interesting thing to happen to Midtown.

He thinks she's cool for dressing the way she wants. She definitely knew how to pair clothing into a show stopping outfit. And so what if black is the only color she wears? It might just be her favorite color, and personally, he thinks she rocks it.

Peter had the pleasure being her partner in physics class, and absolutely loved every second of it. She was smart, and kind-she seemed like an ordinary teen!

So, why on earth did his spider senses keep going off when he's around her?

"I'm telling you, she's a VAMPIRE." Ned whisper shouts to him as Peter explains his concerns, anyone too busy eating or talking with their friends to care to listen.

"What?" Peter laughs in shock at his best friend's claim, shaking his head in disapproval as he takes another bite of his food. "You're losing your mind, dude."

"Come on, what other reasons would your senses be going off? She wears a lot of clothing to the point you can't even see a slither of skin, and she doesn't like the sun. Plus, for the past month she's been here, she hasn't stepped foot into the cafeteria!" Ned exasperates, making Peter stop and think.

Why does his nonsense make sense? Clearly, there's a reason why his sixth sense was going off, and her behavior was a little off-putting. Was it really that far fetched when he's been genetically enhanced by a radioactive spider? Fought aliens in space?

Ned begins to nod knowingly as he watched Peter's eyes grow wide. "Uh huh, you know I'm right!" He exclaims, wiggling in his seat with excitement.

"We can't just go and say she's a vampire, we need absolute proof." Peter whispers as he leans in, Ned nodding along. "You're right. But, what the hell could we use to be 100% sure?"

Then it clicks.

When he was bit by the radioactive spider, it granted him a few useful abilities to aid his Spider-Man'ing, and of those abilities, is incredibly enhanced hearing.

"Vampires don't have heartbeats, right? Being dead and all." Peter states the obvious.

"Right." Ned nods along, realization beaming down on him.

"The next time I run into Y/n, I'll just listen to see if she has a heartbeat or not." Peter shrugs, as if it weren't a big deal they were claiming their classmate wasn't a blood-sucking immortal.

He shared two classes, and only two classes with her: physics and algebra III. Math was after lunch.

"Good luck, Peter. If you don't make it out of alive, I'd just want you to know it was an honor being your 'guy-in-the-chair''. Ned dramatically says, clapping his hand onto his shoulder as they left the cafeteria.

"Come on, Ned, I'm not going to die. Even if your claims were true, I'm sure Y/n would never hurt anybody." He mumbles, shouldering his hand away.

"Right. . . See ya'!" Peter watches as Ned scrambles through the crowd of students, annoyance biting at his features as he purposely booked it in fear of running into the supposed 'vampire'.

Just as he was about to make his way to algebra class, his eyes noticed a shine in the corner of his eye. Upon closer look, he noticed it was a ring; a blood-red jewel staring back at him. "This is Y/n's. . ." He mutters, the halls thinning the longer he stood there in awe-struck.

It was pretty, and big. The metal encasing it shaped and formed into a beautiful intricacy, complimenting the jewel. It screamed Y/n.

Pocketing the ring, he jogged down the hall, wondering if she was still around; looking for it. And albeit it, she was, frantically roaming the halls with her gaze pointed at the ground for the prized jewel.

Her brows were etched with worry, an emotion he hadn't quite seen on her, yet. She was usually so calm, and collected; so put together. The ring must mean a lot to her.

"Y/n!" Peter calls out to her, approaching her with a quick stride. She clearly heard him, but her gaze didn't move up from the floor, biting the inside of her cheek as she tried not to panic. "Hey, Peter. Aren't you suppose to be in class?" Y/n asks mindlessly, already losing her facade.

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing?" Peter attempts to lighten the mood, only it made no difference as she sighs with a frown. At the sight of her frown, he had completely forgotten his task, his mind plagued with the upset look on your face. "Looking for something?" He asks, bending himself down to come in view of her eyesight, a soft smile displayed.

"My ring. It must have slipped off when I went to put my books away." Y/n mumbles, a slight smile forming as Peter's face came into view, following him as he straightened out.

"Oh, good! Then I was right when I thought it belong to you."

She gasps out in glee as he held out his hand with her ring in it, not hesitating to grab it and place it on her finger. "Peter, thank god! I really thought I lost it forever!" She exclaims, Peter's mind reeling at the cold touch of her fingers.

"No worries. . Just glad I found it before anyone else had. It's real pretty." He compliments, trying to keep his face from twisting with shock.

Y/n's eyes twinkled with a knowing, looking down at her ring before shifting her sights to Peter. "Y'know, I've heard you have many special talents." She says, making his heart stutter.


Her giggles fills his ears as she smiles a big, toothy grin, showcasing her canines. "I've got a few talents up my sleeves, too." Peter's mouth gaps open, her teeth a telling sign that Ned was right.

But her heartbeat-

Y/n laughs out loud at his internal battle with his wits, patting his shoulder with a slice of comfort, and a dash of teasing. "I'll keep your secrets if you'll keep mine." She winks, before waltzing down the hall, making her way towards Algebra.

Peter was stuck in stupor, standing dumbly in the middle of the hall as the cogs in his brain churned to make sense of their conversation. What secrets was she exactly talking about? She couldn't possibly know about him-

He groans out in disappointment, the last bell ringing through out the building, letting him know he was now late for class.

Ned's going to lose his mind when he tells him all it took was a drop of a ring.

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