Chapter 6

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By the time I get back to my dorm, I've had the chance to simmer down a little. I no longer feel the need to strangle someone, but I am still angry.     

Mia insisted on coming home with me but I pretty much forced her to stay. She clearly wanted to spend some time with Sam, and I didn't want to ruin that for her. Just because my night was ruined doesn't mean hers had to be. She kept apologizing and I don't even know why. It's not her fault Blake's an ass and I made sure she knew I wasn't blaming her for any of it.

Apparently, Blake is the captain of the football team which translates to campus God around here. At least now I know why he thinks he can act the way he does. No one bothers to stand up to him because people either want to be him or they want to fuck him. I on the other hand, just want to stay the fuck away from him. Luckily for me, he's already in his last year and then he'll be off for good. Not that I think we will ever cross paths again anyway. We clearly belong to very different social circles.              

As I walk into my room, I realize the universe really does hate me. I never ended up unpacking my things, so I guess that's what I'll be doing tonight. I make the bed first because I can feel myself getting tired. Then I unpack a few more things before changing into my pyjamas and heading to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

Once I'm done, I tuck myself in and turn on my MacBook so I can find something on Netflix to fall asleep to. I don't know why but I like falling asleep with background noise, so I almost always find a show I've seen a million times and just wait for sleep to overtake. Tomorrow is the official first day of classes and so I need to be well rested and ready to go.


When I hear the horrid shriek of my alarm, I wake up ready to murder someone. Have I mentioned that I am not a morning person?


Well, I'm not a fucking morning person. Everyone who knows Sabrina also knows that I don't do mornings. However, I have an 8am class on Monday mornings which is the reason why I am currently trying to get out of bed at 7:30am. And to be completely frank, after today I'll probably be waking up closer to 7:50 on Monday mornings. I'm giving myself extra time today because I'm not actually sure where I'm going and where I'm supposed to be. But after today, I'll be back to my last-minute routine as usual. I only really need time to wash up and get changed, all of which can be done in under five minutes.

Over the years, I've gotten really good at getting ready quickly. The fact that I don't bother with hair and makeup like some other people do also helps. I mean, if coming to class looking like you borrowed Kim Kardashian's stylist is your thing, then by all means. But I can't be bothered.              

Once I'm out the door, I check my schedule and head towards the building of my first class. On the way, I come across a cute little cafe and make the executive decision to check it out later. It doesn't take long to get to my first class.

I'm five minutes early so I enter and find a seat somewhere in the middle of the room. I refuse to sit near the front because my fear of being called on increases exponentially, thereby making me feel exposed. I would sit in the back but I can't see shit from there, so middle it is. I'm pretty sure I need glasses but I never bothered actually getting my eyesight checked, so I can't be sure. 

I do the same thing for my next two classes, go a little earlier and find prime seats somewhere in the middle. After my last class, I go to the library just to check it out but it has such a good vide that I decide to start working on some of the assignments that are already stacking up. Motivation for me these days is hard to come by so if this library provides it, I'm going to take it while it lasts. If I'm being honest, school's not really my thing.

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