Chapter 7

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We are currently walking to his car and he's slightly in front of me, leading the way. This gives me the perfect opportunity to appreciate his broad shoulders and the way his muscles tense under his shirt with each step. You can tell he's ripped even through his clothes. That being said, he's not bulky, he's lean and strong. Just the right amount of muscle to—whoa, get it together Sabrina.

I have no clue what just came over me but I can't let it happen again. I speed up just a little so that I am no longer behind him. So that I can no longer shamelessly check him out. He's not even my type. Well visually, he's everyone's type. Personality wise however, not even close. I don't think there's anything that pisses me off more than a cocky jackass with an over inflated ego. Which perfectly describes Blake. Looks will get you through the door in most cases but personality is what determines whether you stay.              

We stop at a matte black car, the make unknown to me. When it comes to cars, I'm completely clueless. I must admit though, it looks pretty fancy which just adds to my list of reasons to hate Blake. Spoiled rich boy, makes sense.       

Blake then does the unthinkable and opens the passenger door for me. I'm extremely surprised, to say the least. I just stand there with a baffled expression on my face, staring at him as if he grew two heads. Wow, he's laying it on thick.     

He gestures for me to enter the car. "What? I can't open the car door for you?"   

Well, considering the fact that three months ago he didn't even bother opening the door for me, yes, I'm surprised. And yes, I remember. The bitch went straight to the driver's seat and didn't think twice about it.  

"Didn't think you had it in you, I'm impressed." With that, I get into the car. 

He just rolls his eyes and closes the door before jogging to his side of the car. He turns on the engine, backs out and off we go.

Once we're on the road, he hands me the aux and tells me to play whatever I want. If I'm being honest, my taste in music is pretty bland. I mostly listen to Latin and pop. I scroll through my Apple Music library until I find one of my favourite Latin songs, Eres Mía by Romeo Santos and hit play.

You can imagine my surprise when after a few minutes, Blake starts singing along to the song, clearly familiar with it.

I turn it down a little and ask, "wait, you know this song?"    

"Yup, I love Latin music. One of my favourite genres, actually."     

I definitely was not expected that. Okay Blake, I see you. I just nod and turn the music back up. My playlist shuffles through a few more songs and I am less than pleased to admit he knew the words to most of them.        

He parks the car outside of this small, hole in the wall restaurant called Pepe and starts getting out of the car.   

"I hope you like Italian."           

"It's my favourite actually," I struggled to admit as we walk into the small but cute restaurant.

The hostess greets us and then seats us at an open table near the window. The restaurant gives off very homey Italian vibes, with neutral colours on the walls, various pictures hanging, and lovely fresh flowers placed on each table. There are only a few other people here, leaving most of the place empty but it looks very promising regardless.

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