Chapter 27

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Currently, I'm doing some last-minute Christmas shopping with Lexi because as of yet, I have nothing. We've been strolling through different stores and I'm trying to find something that will catch my eye before I say fuck it and just start getting gift cards. I honestly hate shopping for gifts because I never know what to get. Like, why can't I just give you money and save me from buying something stupid and you from pretending you actually like it?

Lexi always says that giving money is so impersonal and makes you look lazy. Well, you know what? I am lazy. I don't want to spend hours trying to be psychic.              

"So, how's Blake?" Lexi asks, out of the blue.       

I look from the random scented candle I'm holding to Lexi with confusion. "What?"              

She shrugs. "I was just wondering how your boyfriend is."      

I snort. "He's not my boyfriend."          

Lexi smirks. "Well, your mom has been telling everyone that you're practically married. You should hear the excitement in her voice when she talks about your future children."              

The candle nearly fumbles from my hands and onto the ground but I manage to save it last minute. "She what?" I exclaim, absolutely horrified.      

"Honestly, I have no idea why you would introduce the two. You know how your mom is."             

I groan, "I didn't introduce them. She called me while I was at his house studying and then he decided to introduce himself. Believe me, that's the last thing I wanted."   

She gives me a curious look for a while before she finally asks, "how can you be friends with him given your past? I don't get how you can ignore the fact that he was your first and doesn't even remember it."          

I shrug my shoulders because I honestly don't get it, either. "I don't know, it was weird at first, but now I guess I just pretend like nothing ever happened. He doesn't remember and I pretend I don't."           

Lexi shakes her head in disbelief. "I wouldn't be able to pretend like that." I roll my eyes and head into the next aisle over.         

Hours later, we've pretty much been in every store at this mall and I finally have some gifts that I hope the recipients won't completely hate. All this shopping has made us hungry, so we are currently making our way to the food court for whatever speaks to me. I'm going through all the different options in my head when I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket.

Retrieving it, I see an incoming call from Matt which makes me curious. I don't think he's ever called me before. I get the occasional text from him sometimes but that's about it. I put my journey to the food court on hold and answer my phone, "hello?"

Lexi gives me an inquisitive stare and I wave may hand in the universal, I'll tell you later motion.   

"Sabrina, you need to talk some sense into Blake."

"What, why?"             

"He wants to get a tattoo."           

"Okay, and what the fuck does that have to do with me? He's a big boy and if he wants another tattoo then he can get one."         

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