Chapter 21

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As soon as we get there, I can see that the stadium is packed. There are people filling every inch of this place and it's stuffy and loud and all around terrible. I don't have any idea how people come to these things willingly.        

Sports fans are a scary species. They're obnoxious and loud and I'm pretty sure most of them would be willing to give up their firstborn, so long as it ensures their team wins. They radiate don't fuck with me energy. It's kind of unsettling if I'm being honest. I have this distinct urge to turn around and never look back.       

I'm used to a stadium full of fans, because of gymnastics, but it never compared to this. Our sport fans were tame compared to the shit show all around me.    

I have no idea where we are going to sit considering that people are literally on top of each other. Some people are standing or sitting on the steps while others are sitting two to a seat. I have never seen chaos like this before. It's making me squirm with unease. It's official, I hate it here.            

Mia grabs my arm and pulls me through the throngs of people, down the stairs. I have no idea where the hell she's going. Am I wrong to assume that if there are no seats at the back of the stadium, then there sure as hell won't be any further down, closer to the field? Nevertheless, Mia seems much more comfortable in this environment, so I just go with it.           

Once we get to the very front, I see two seats conveniently vacant. She continues to drag me behind her, through a couple of people sitting in the front row until we are at the vacant seats.

We finally settle down and Mia turns to me with a smirk, "best seats in the house. What do you think?"          

I think about the probability of a rogue football getting launched right at me, but I don't say that out loud. Instead, I settle on, "it's great."        

Mia starts to laugh, "Sabrina, you could at least pretend to be a little more excited. You know, people would kill for these seats."        

"I don't know what you're talking about. I am excited."       

"Yeah, you sure have a funny way of showing it." She snorts.      

Before I can even think of what to say, our attention is sidetracked by one of the UCLA players jogging out of the tunnel from the right. I can't quite make out who it is and even if I could, I don't know all the players on the team. Mia has a confused look on her face as she continues to watch the player.

I nudge her side. "What is it?" I ask.   

"I don't know. Usually, they don't come out for another ten to fifteen minutes."   

Now we're both watching curiously as the player continues to jog forward in our general direction. As he gets closer, I can tell it's Matt and he seems to be heading right towards us. Mia turns towards me and gives me a what the fuck look and I just shrug in response.         

Matt comes to a stop directly in front of us and then points at what looks to be me before he signals me over. I look to Mia in confusion then actually turn around to make sure he's not gesturing for someone behind me. What the fuck could he possibly want from me? When I turn back to face him, he seems to be gesturing more frantically for me, making me stand up tentatively and walk up to the small fence.      

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