The Alliance

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One morning The Doctor and Clara landed the TARDIS in new york. The Doctor asked Clara "where would you like to go first?" Clara replied lets go shoping". They went into new look shop The Doctor saw a cybermat and he how that when he see a cybermat are about Cybermen can't be far behind. He scan everywhere until he spotted the cybermat and he followed it. It lead The Doctor to a secret lair.

Then The Doctor saw a Cyberman The Doctor ran back out of the secret lair. The Doctor run back to Clara and told her there's a Cyberman here they both ran back to the TARDIS The Doctor had a feeling there is a intruder is on the TARDIS. The Doctor come face to face with the intruder it was a Dalek and it warned The Doctor and said "you are going to be outnumbered Doctor" and it teleported out of the TARDIS. The Doctor knew what to do. He gathered some of his friend.

He first went and get Sarah-jane and k9 he also got Jack, Rose, Martha, Strax, Madame Vastra, Jenny and river song. The Doctor told everyone what the Dalek and river mentioned "but we can defeated them can we Doctor" The Doctor "maybe but I'm going to get all the rest of the past Doctor". The first Doctor asked the thirteenth Doctor "what are we doing here" the thirteenth doctor replied " there is danger coming".

So the Doctors and his companions went into TARDIS to find out who is behind this. The Thirteenth Doctor found a note on the floor and mentioned it from the head of the alliance.

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