Chapter 3 Tough Decisions To Make

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A few moons have gone by since Ryker and Ruth had moved to the rain forest Ryker had slowly bonded with Ruth building a connection with her as he followed her every move step after step and learned how to fish and battle he even learned how to climb trees, she seemed determined to make him a very skilled Pokemon. But sometimes he did feel as though maybe she was pushing him a little too hard. Ryker was in the trees jumping from branch to branch until one broke.
he fell landing on the ground below.
He moans in pain as rushing paw steps came pounding toward him. "Ryker! Are you alright?" he slowly sat up his back aching with pain.
"Umm, Ruth are you sure that was a good idea? Eevees are a bit small to be up in the trees." Maverick said sounding a bit weary. He's been spending more and more time with Ruth lately and they are now in a relationship, Maverick is now Ruth's boyfriend. "He's not small anymore he's grown enough to evolve any day now and I want him to be skilled in trees! Can you imagine the advantages he'll have?" but the shiny Thievul only shook his head disagreeing with her. "He's not a Liepared like you, I know how brilliantly you can benefit from surprise attacks from trees Ruth but-"
She raised her tail to silence him. "I need a word with him alone if you don't mind." he dipped his head. "Ok come along, Rusty."
Rusty was watching from a tree stomp. "Hey, Dad can I learn to climb trees too? I want to be just as good as Ryker!"
"Oh, and you will be son, I'll teach you how to benefit from your skills to fight like a true Thievul," he remarked casting a final glance at Ruth before padding off.
Ruth stalked towards Ryker as he was pulling bits of twigs from his pelt. "Now what have I told you about watching where you put your paws?"
"I'm sorry I know, that branch was too thin to bear my weight I messed up."
"You know it's important to watch where your stepping you can't just always look at the forest ahead of you, you always seem distracted why?"
"Are Eveloutions meant to climb trees?" he asked thinking of what Maverick was saying about how he should be focusing on his own special abilities and improving on that.
"Eevees are fast right?"
"Don't listen to him! If you follow what everyone else says that just makes you an ordinary Umbreon, but no mon would expect an excellent Umbreon who can climb trees and move fast, we're going to make a great team you and I, we Liepareds also can move around at night without being heard we are very sneaky, and Umbreons are excellent at blending in with the darkness no one will ever see us coming."
Ryker frowned as she kept rambling on about it she really wanted him to Evolve into Umbreon and Ryker still hadn't been able to make up his mind on what he wanted to be and what's worse he ran out of time because today he was at the age to Evolve.
"Um, Mother?" he broke in as she was talking.
"What? You know it's rude to interrupt when I'm talking right?"
"I know I'm sorry but... Well lately I've been distracted because I'm not sure what I want to Evolve into yet and I-"
"Well, that's no good! Ryker you are at age now I need you to make a decision today! I really need your help and there's not a lot you can do as an Eevee now is there?."
He frowned as she went on "If you can't choose anything by nightfall then you'll have to Evolve into Umbreon."
"WHAT!" he exclaimed now feeling more pressure and panic because Umbreon was the last Evolution he wanted to be. Not that he wanted to upset Ruth about it seeing her getting her hopes up so high about him becoming Umbreon. 'But I'm sure she can get over it and Accept me for what I choose
"B..but Izzy said there's no rush."
"I don't care what Izzy said you're not keeping your Eevee fluff forever you're not a kid anymore, it's time to start taking responsibility now, and like I said it's getting too difficult for me to keep looking after us, I need your help." Ryker wanted to point out that she has Maverick in her life, but knew better not to say anything knowing that would only escalate things and make her mad.
"Ok, then I'll figure out what I'm going to Evolve into today I guess."
"Good then return to me once you've made up your mind and we'll get to training so you can Evolve, as you are going to Evolve today," she replied in a strict tone. She began licking her front paw and then paused "Or Umbreon it is." she said with a smirk.
'This is so unfair! It's like a punishment if I fail to Evolve today!' but Ryker didn't dare say the words out loud. He strode off stalking past her. His mind was racing in a panic as he thought about it, it was merely impossible to evolve into whatever he picked today because most of the Eeveeloutions required evolution stones to evolve like Flareon, Vaporeon and
Jolteon or if he wanted to be Leafeon or Glaceon. How on earth was he supposed to pick one of those when the stones let alone were extremely rare to find?
'I guess I have to pick either Espeon or Sylveon.' he thought bitterly he was sure that Ruth was doing this on purpose just so he would have no other choice than to be Umbreon because he knew very well that's what she wanted. 'Well, I'm not going to be Umbreon! I might as well start training for Espeon soon I guess.'
He wasn't sure he even liked Espeon but he would be anything at this point just to not Evolve into Umbreon and he was out of time to decide because he couldn't spend all day looking for stones, that would be one of the most magical, miracles if suddenly they all showed up today for his sake.
Then he heard Izzy's voice call out to him. "Hey, Ryker!" she waves her tail as she bounded over towards him. "Oh, hi Izzy."
"Ryker are you busy right now? Because I could use your help I need to battle someone so I can Evolve." Ryker was about to say no, but thought yet again that maybe if he helped her Evolve she could help him after, plus he'd finally get to see what Sylveon looks like.
"Alright then let's have a battle!"
He replied getting into a battle stance wondering if he could beat Izzy but then he remembered that he needed to let her win so she could evolve. He waited for her to make the first move. "Go on ladies first," he said politely which seemed to cause her to blush a little bit.
She started off with Baby-doll eyes which Ryker noticed his attack went down a bit as he went for Quick Attack Izzy got hit and then pushed him off with a swift attack. Ryker then charged at her going for the move takedown but she avoided it and then used charm making Ryker wanna fight less hard on her seeing how cute the move was making her look. He shook his head trying to snap out of it but he realized he already missed his turn as she came at him and used bite then when she pulled away he notice her fur started to glow white. "Izzy! Your Evolving!" she looked really happy as she grew taller and her ears started to take shape, Ryker had to look away as she got too bright to look at, then once the light died away he turns to look at her and he felt his jaw drop at her new appearance.
She looked shy as she met his gaze with brilliant blue eyes. "So.. How do I look?" she asked nervously.
Ryker stared at her for a bit looking her up and down as he padded around her brushing one of her ribbons.
"You look Amazing!!" he exclaimed excitedly. "Come and see for yourself!"
Her face turns red as he quickly led her towards a puddle where she could see her reflection. "Wow.." she breathed out looking happier than ever.
Then she turned towards him.
"So have you decided yet what you're going to evolve into?"
Ryker was watching her with deep interest.
"Sylveon truly is beautiful, is it suitable for a male do you think?." he asked and surprise lit her blue gaze.
"I wonder what the shiny version looks like, You want to be Sylveon too?."
He nodded. "I do now, besides Ruth told me I have to Evolve today so I have to choose something fast." her eyes flashed with pity "Really? That's not right what if you needed a stone? They don't just show up." he frowned "Yeah I know, But that's ok! I'm going to be a Sylveon like you!" she looked happy. "I can't wait to see what you'll look like as a shiny, I could help teach you, baby doll eyes if you want."
"Is that necessary?." he asked.
"It is if you're going to be Sylveon, if you don't learn it you'll evolve into Espeon instead and you don't want to make that mistake."
" hmm, let's say I learn baby-doll eyes, would that stop me from becoming an Umbreon if it were nightfall?"
"It sure would because for Sylveon it doesn't matter what time of day it is you just need to learn a fairy-type move is all."
Ryker couldn't hold back a smirk as he thought about evolving into Sylveon at nightfall in front of Ruth instead of Umbreon.
'It might be a dirty thing to do, but she shouldn't be forcing me to be Umbreon if I don't want to.'
"Ok, watch how I do it then you try."
Ryker paid attention closely as she used the move a couple of times demonstrating it for him. Ryker tried for himself but it failed as he tried over and over.
"What am I doing wrong?" he asked feeling frustrated with himself, for if he couldn't learn the move he would not be able to become Sylveon.
"Look Ryker I know you're worried but relax, I think you're just overthinking it because you feel pressure."
"Well, of course, I do! I don't want to be Umbreon!" she sighed "Honestly I can't understand why Ruth would put this stress on you like that, Have you talked to her? Maybe if you just tell her you need time to find a Evolution stone she could spare more time."
Ryker felt more stressed out with that answer he knew Ruth very well enough to know she wouldn't care what he wanted to be.
"No, Izzy I can't she is doing this on purpose because she's trying to force me to be Umbreon I need to Evolve into something today!."
"Okay, okay just take it easy you will be Sylveon I promise, I won't leave your side until you got it right," she said in a calm soothing voice.
Ryker felt warmed by her encouragement and eagerness to help him. "Thanks."
"Okay, now I'll show you one more time, like this." Ryker started the move and just as he was getting it a loud voice interrupted with his focus on the move.
Feeling shocked with surprise he lost the move.
"No! I almost had it!"
Ruth approaches them. "Why on earth are you trying to teach my son a lady's move?!"
Izzy looked shocked. "I-I'm only helping him miss.."
"Well, you've done enough now get lost!"
"Mom no! I want to be Sylveon!" Ryker burst out then immediately regretted it as Ruth turns on him looking angrier than ever. His heart began racing with panic as she glowered at him.
"NO! I won't allow that! A male shouldn't be a Sylveon unless they're gay! And you are not gay now are you?!" Ryker was speechless for words he didn't even know what being gay was.
Izzy looked mad. "That was very rude and offence just now! Ryker isn't gay for wanting to be Sylveon! And if he is so what?!" she snapped getting defensive on his behalf. Ruth whirled around facing her showing her teeth. "YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!!" she roared out loud her shoulder fur was bristling furiously. Izzy looked scared but still stood her ground until Ruth lost her temper and attacked Izzy using Iran tail which was supper effective on the newly fairy-type mon. Izzy cried with pain and then turned tail running off.
"Izzy!" Ryker cried feeling bad for her, she was just trying to stick up for him after all.
Ruth turned back towards him. "I'm done with this nonsense bullshit! You're going to be Umbreon and that's final! I didn't waste my time training you to become anything other!"
Feeling scared Ryker gave it some thought.
'I. I mean I guess I just didn't want to be Umbreon because I felt like I had to... I suppose Umbreon isn't so bad right?'
But Ryker wasn't sure if he was just trying to convince himself that or if he was just giving in to what Ruth wanted.
Ruth met his gaze. "Come on Ryker it's not so bad, trust me once you evolve you'll be happy that you listened to me, I only want what's best for you." he slowly nodded he wanted to speak his mind on how he felt but he found it hard to do seeing how hot-headed Ruth can be when she's mad.
'But I'm not even doing it for myself, I'm just doing it for her, I have to pretend to like Umbreon just to please my mother if she truly wanted what's best for me she'd allow me to learn baby-doll eyes so I can be Sylveon.'
Ryker couldn't help feeling really hurt by that he did love Ruth very much as his mother. He just wished that she could love him the same way. She gave him a friendly nudge on the side. "Don't look so disappointed Ryker I promise you'll have no regrets, trust me I know what's best for you better than you do."
He only dipped his head in response.
"Now meet me back at home when it's nightfall and we can get to training ok?"
"Ok," he replied now trying to think of reasons to accept Umbreon.
Once Ruth left him alone he heard the bushes rattle as a Thievul slowly emerge out.
"Hey, are you ok Ryker?" it took Ryker a couple of seconds to identify that this Thievul was Rusty.
"Rusty? You evolved too?"
"Yeah, me and my father were training all morning I was on my way to show you," he said sounding kind of sorrowful rather than cheerful. It was obvious to Ryker that Rusty had heard the whole conversation between him and Ruth.
"You don't have to feel sorry for me, besides Ruth is right I'm sure I will be happy as Umbreon."
"Of course you will, we'll both be dark types and I can help you to learn some awesome dark-type moves eh?"
Ryker knew that Rusty was just trying to cheer him up.
"Listen Ryker it's not too late to search for evolution stones I'll help you look, I can even get Izzy to help with that."
He said but Ryker shook his head he didn't want to face an angry Ruth later.
"Thanks but I'd rather not, I think it might be best if I just listen to Ruth."
He frowned "So what? She might be mad for a couple of days but I think It'd be worth it, Ryker I hate to see you being pushed around like this it isn't right."
"Look I appreciate the thought but that's ok, I'm going to be Umbreon and I'm sure I'll like it." Rusty didn't look convinced through.
"Well whatever you say then, I'm going off to see what Izzy is up to, I'll catch you later alright bud?" he nodded then went to sit by the lake all by himself just waiting for the sun to go down so he can get it over with.

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