5 PG10 - Home.

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Papa Pierre <3

The house was quiet to my surprise when I entered, sneaking my keys into the bowl in the hallway and hanging up my jacket.
Pierre must be napping.
I smiled to myself as I walked to the kitchen to see, to my surprise, Pierre at the table with his phone in his hand.
My presence went unnoticed as I watched him in the door way with the hem of his hoodie over his mouth as he played with his ring, watching some clips of the last race in silence.
I wanted to say hi but my voice was to shy and I didn't want to disrupt the perfect scene Infront of me.
I enjoyed observing Pierre, he was perfect to me no matter how he looked.
I stepped closer, placing my hand on his shoulder, he let out a sigh, looking up at me with red eyes.

"Oh baby, you haven't slept have you?"
I asked, leaving a kiss on his cheek before sliding my hand down to rest on his chest and cuddling my face into his neck.
He groaned and reached his hand up to rub my head.

"No, not yet, my little lady was very unimpressed by the idea of nap time."
He whispered, using his other hand to pause his phone and resting it on mine.
My head rose up slowly as I heard the baby monitor from the sitting room.

"And she still isn't impressed."
He yawned and I giggled, kissing his cheek again, leaning back as he stretched his arms out.

"I'll get her, you go to bed."
I insisted and ruffled his hair, he smiled and turned his phone off, slipping it into his pocket before rubbing his eyes and nodding as I left the kitchen and made my way upstairs.
The noise from our room was getting louder so I quickly scampered through the door and to her cot next to our bed where my mood immediately lifted.

"Hello there, how are you!"
I asked, reaching into the cot to pick her up.
My voice was soft but still playful and happy as she began babbling instead of crying.

"You must be nicer to your daddy, He's so tired and just like you, daddy gets grumpy."
I giggled, watching as she smiled at me and made a loud babble as she reached her hand out to touch my face.
I smiled back at her as she poked my cheek slightly.

"Yes, you're gonna be nice to daddy when mammy has things to do."
Her laugher filled the room as I bounced her on my hip lightly.
I faked a gasp and began making faces at her to get her to laugh more.
She screamed and giggled watching me as I leaned in to kiss her head lightly.

I guess Sebastian was right, baby laughter is contagious.
I laughed to myself as she began reaching for my hair, grabbing a few little strands to hold but not pulling harshly.
Another loud squeal came out of her when I twirled her around a little faster and she started waving her hands.
Her little excited face was the highlight of my day.

"You wanna go to sleep again so daddy can sleep?"
I whispered, sitting down on the bed next to the cot.
She smiled and reached her hand out to hold onto my nose, I scrunched it up slightly as she did and gave her a big smile.

"I got a photo of that."
I heard from the door way as I turned to see Pierre with his phone in hand and a massive smile on his face.
He giggled and slumpt down next to me as I cuddled the little one closer to me to free one of my hands and used it to ruffle Pierre's hair.
He smiled and leaned his head on my shoulder as the little one copied him and fell forward, resting her head on my chest and smiling at Pierre.
I smiled and turned to kiss Pierre's head lightly, taking in the refreshing smell of his shampoo and conditioner.
My face stayed in his hair for a moment longer as I moved my hand to stroke his cheek, another yawn erupting from him.
I smiled as the little one reached her hand up to touch Pierre's face, resting her fingers on his nose, making him smile.

"Come on, you need to sleep and I need to eat."
I whispered, kissing his head again as I leaned forward placing the little one back in her cot as she yawned slightly.
Pierre huffed before grabbing my waist and pulling me down next to him.
I chuckled and turned, placing my hand on his chest.

"Good job Daddy, very proud of you for doing so well today."
I whispered, kissing his cheek softly.

"No more babies for a bit."
He whispered, making me giggle as I sat up slightly, crossing my arms on his chest and rested my chin on them.

"Deal, no babies for a bit."
I gave him a cheeky smile and he rolled his eyes, warning me that he was serious.
I reassured him that I was serious and needed to rest up after our little girl.
He smiled and ran his fingers through my hair.

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