1. P.G10 "Then Shave It For Me."

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"Then Shave it for me."
(This is kinda a test to get comfortable posting and writing again, sorry if it's bad.)

Context: You get fed up of Pierre's beard digging into you when he hugged/kissed you.

Tw: Fluff and some bad language
1116 words

I turned onto my side, taking my phone off the bedside locker, groaning slightly looking at my alarm buzzing in my hand for 6:30.
I tried to turn it off quickly so I wouldn't wake Pierre up who was latched around my waist, his face smushed into the side of my thigh.
Waking up early was never easy for me and with us on summer break I thought it was time to get into action and set a routine for myself as my rookie year was at a peak before the break but taking a toll on my physical and mental health as a result.
Before, I was working out at 10 and 11AM, not earlier, I'd wake up stupidly late and would have no time for anything else.

My poor attempt to slip out of bed didn't go unnoticed as Pierre stirred next to me, rubbing at his eyes softly and squinting at me as his eyes adjusted to the light of the rising sun on the thin curtains.
I stood up to get changed into some work out clothes and a simple zip up hoodie.
We smiled at eachother and didn't say anything as he watched me change, resting his face in his crossed arms, peeking his eyes out over his forearms, his eyes following as I darted around the room.

I leaned down to kiss his forehead before leaving which he fussed about beneath me over such a short interaction, reaching up to pull the neck of my hoodie.
"Give me a proper kiss." He whispered, holding onto me with a sad puppy expression, I smiled and ruffled his hair with my hand, leaning in to give him another forehead kiss.

I pushed myself up off the bed, wriggling my hoodie out of Pierre's hand as he shouted after me, his voice too groggy to be loud enough to hear as I made my way out of the house to my car.
I smiled to myself as I read the drivers group chat briefly seeing Max and Charles talking, saying hello before I texted Steph, my trainer to tell her I was on the way.


My car silently glided up the drive into my parking space this afternoon where I looked up to see Pierre in the window, shirtless, his glasses resting on his nose loosely, in a pair of boxers looking down at me with one of my favorite mugs in his hand of what I assumed was tea.

A horrible habit I had given him.
I used to drink a lot of tea when I was home and before I drove, I also drank it when I felt ill.
He eventually asked me for a cup and has been making the exact same tea as me ever since.
Two sugars and a good drop of milk.

He gave me a small smile and I gave a wave before collecting my belongings off my passenger seat and making my way back inside.
I hung my bag up on the mounted wall rack, being greeted by the firmilier scratching stubble on my cheek and firm hands around my waist, glad I had no exposed skin today as I would surely melt into him as his hands glided over my hips to wrap my stomach.

"Pierre, Your stubble is starting to hurt, can you atleast trim?" I asked, reaching up to scratch my cheek where he rested.
A pout appeared on his lips as he kissed my knuckles, pulling his face away but leaving his hands on my hips.

"You don't like it anymore?" He questioned, taking one hand off to reach for his mug that he had abandoned on the coffee table in the hall.
I turned and he rested his hand on the bottom of my back, taking a sip from his mug.

"I do but not when it's making me itch, I can't even focus when you're kissing me."
I admitted, resting my hands on his chest, rubbing my thumb back and forth.
He pulled the mug from his lips, staring at me for a moment.

"Then Shave it for me." He said, his fingers drawing shapes on my hoodie as he held me close, his other hand curling inwards to hold the mug on his chest.

"You want me to shave you?"
"I believe that's the description? No?"
He raised an eye brow with a small laugh.
Moving his hand from my back to my hair, playing with my pony tail.
I rolled my eyes at him, stealing his mug to take a sip,

"You didn't make me tea."
I sighed, tapping my finger on the rim of the ceramic, avoiding looking up at him.
"Will you shave it or not? I can do it myself."
"No! No! I will, But if I fuck it up we're going clean shaven." His eyes rolled back and he groaned jokingly, making a sad face as I pushed his glasses up his nose.

He sighed before slapping my back lightly and walking to the bathroom, me tail gating him the whole way.
I smiled and he sat down on the stool of the bathroom, pointing to his shaving stuff under the sink and taking to from me because I,
'take too long.'

He giggled putting a bit of shaving cream on my nose as a joke, whilst I shook my head and leaned in to rob his glasses, slipping them up my own nose.

"Safe keeping."
I said, a smile pulled his lips up as I started,
"Stop moving, you're gonna mess it up."
I said, trying my best to work around his smiling lips as he just kept looking at me.
"Pierre it's not funny, I'm going to cut you."
My giving out was all you could hear as I rested my hand on his knee trying my best to get him to stop smiling, but he couldn't.

"Can I have one kiss? Pleeasseee, I didn't get one this morning!" He pouted, resting his hands on the back of my thighs, pulling me up onto the stool with him, sitting careful so I wouldn't fall.

"Just one, the rest you have to wait for."
I said, leaning in to kiss him before wiping the shaving cream off my lips and continuing to shave his face in partial silence, a few phone buzzes and 3 Instagram stories of us.
He took a selfie hiding my face, a picture of my hand cleaning the blade and one of us kissing again.
He tagged me in it all.
My official introduction to Pierre Gasly's Instagram.

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