Part 2

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Milo, again, sometimes I think if my mom never started fights with me then maybe i would be a normal boy. Sometimes I think maybe I'd actually have friends because my mom spreading lies about me having drunken under age way before I actually did. Anyway, I. Hate. School. Everyone just assumes you're okay when really you're not, so when your friends start picking on you for the way your face looks, or your body weight. It really hurts. I've never truly found real friends who check up on me. The most my "friends" do is ask if I'm feeling okay and the most of an answer I'll give them is "Yea, I'm fine!" Oh and don't even get me started ob teachers. I mean Mr. Knorc is such and asshole to me. I don't think he has ever actually cared about me except for the time he has made me cry. Mr. Slyder is nice though, i think he really cares about me. He checks up on me daily I'd say. Anyway enough about me. Let's talk about my crush, well as "unexpected" as it is, I'm gay. I know, and not to mention I had SEX with the most straight looking guy in my school. Brady, I have a crush on Brady, well yes it might be a basic white, football loving, straight guy, and he might be a bit of a prick. But his hair is soft and his eyes are so hard not to stare into. I'm actually really confused on how I pulled him seeing as I'm a weed addict, I have tons of acne, and i overall look disgusting. But maybe he was drunk and really wasn't thinking, but there's a little part of me who hopes he wasn't. To say we're friends is too far but a hookup or we know each other at the very least counts. I guess my only real reason to live right now is just because I hope that Brady likes me back and that I won't have to kill myself over only 3 people knowing I exist. Sometimes I wish I would be able to go back in time to the part and tell Brady how I felt about him. I do have his number so maybe I'll text him. I do wonder how no one has seen my obvious pain and greif. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (sorry got bored) Speaking of Brady, he just called me asking in Sophie invited me to her party and if not I could be his plus 1. So I'll be back after this party, wish me luck.

OKAY, I just got back so let me explain it to you. BASICALLY, I called Brady for some info and he said it was at 7:30 and when he told me at 3:25 so that gave me 4 hours, I immediately went into my sister's room and asked for help with skin care.

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