1:15 I'll Tell You A Story

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I'll Tell You A Story
Part 3

I'll Tell You A StoryPart 3————

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"Eventually, the power corrupted them. Monsters became whoever they didn't like. Whoever they wanted to be forgotten. I thought revenge on my father would feel sweeter, but it didn't. So I returned myself to him. Inside Malivore, there was only darkness. I yelled, I screamed, but he would not answer me. He let me sit in silence, punishing me until... decades later, when suddenly he spit me out. I didn't know why till I found that picture of you." Clark pointed at the picture of Landon and Seylah, but Landon in her stomach. "And I saw a video of a knife that could only be unlocked by Malivore's blood. And I heard story of a woman who had emerged from the pit pregnant. As more humans were thrown in, he absorbed enough of their genetic material to be able to reproduce. When Triad betrayed your mother, our father had mercy on her and sent her back... carrying you. He sent me back to find you because only you are blood of his blood." Clark stopped, catching his breathe.

"And only you can set him free." Clark stated. Landon and you made eye contact as he said that.


Hope sat down, placing the prism down as well, waiting for you to appear. As you did, you looked over at Hope and she looked over at you, not saying anything before sighing. "What I said before, about you being mad at me and you running off, I know that's not true. But... it hurts that your gone and that I can't find you." Hope paused, looking between your eyes.

"And, yeah, you know what, I hate it when people leave. I hate it." Hope admitted, shrugging her shoulders. "I thought I was over losing my parents, but I don't know, after the last couple of days and-and after seeing you lying there in the woods and holding Landons body, thinking that he was dead..." Hope trailed off, not wanting to talk about it.

Hope looked out to the lake before looking back at you. "Every time I lose someone, this, uh, voice in my head, it tells me, 'It's your fault.' That I shouldn't even technically exist, same with you if that's what you think." Hope continued, you nodding at the end bit. "That I'm a cosmic mistake." Hope breathed in and out. "Oh, I don't know." Hope trailed off, you looked down at your hands. "I guess I just wanted someone to think that I'm worth staying for. I'm sorry for accusing you, Kate. I want you back because I love you." Hope rambled.

You were shocked when you heard you say that so you were shocked and looked at her, side staring basically. You opened your mouth, covering it with your hand. "Oh. Wow." Hope says, shocked as well. You just laughed.

You looked out at the water then back to Hope. "You didn't mean to say that last part, did you?" You questioned.

Hope just stared at you. "No." Hope said, baffled by her own words.

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