ix. dinner and a movie

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Hannibal spent quite some time writing down all the little things that had come out of your emotional outburst. You inadvertently gave him a deeper picture of who you truly were. Instead of fighting for your freedom, you decided to cave and drop your one chance of killing the psychiatrist.

That is exactly what Hannibal has been expecting of you. To finally see you breaking through your hardened chrysalis gave him a great amount of satisfaction. He was growing concerned when you attempted to leave him. If you were to keep up your inappropriate behaviour, he would've acted on the faint impulse to smash your skull against the corner of the counter.

It's been an hour and a half since the two of you had dinner together. Hannibal had prepared a simple meat stir fry with various vegetables. The doctor felt extreme pleasure as he watched you eat each bite of your food. After all, he had you in mind as he picked out the cut of... pork.

Hannibal had come across this woman in the parking lot of the grocery store. She bumped into Hannibal, as she was far too busy chatting away on her phone, and spilled coffee onto his suit. Instead of apologizing, she decided to berate Hannibal and tell him to be more aware of his surrounding. The psychiatrist sure payed the woman a visit later in the night.

"How was dinner, Y/N?" Hannibal asked as he picked the plates up off the table.

As much as you hated to admit it, his food always tasted exquisite. It made you angry with yourself, but what were you going to do, starve?

"Delicious, thank you." You said, lowly.

Hannibal smirked at your use of manners. He was seeing a very positive change in your behaviour.

"You're welcome." He replied.

Like the 'good girl' you are, you went back into your bedroom and closed the door. Were you trying to earn Hannibal's approval and trust? Perhaps.

At the same time, however, you resented the man for flipping your life upside down. You knew there wasn't much you could do to get away from this situation, but you could get away from the man himself. You took a seat on your bed and began scribbling down things you want to do before dying. It's very much a possibility that the only way out of this is if one of you dies. So, may as well act like you'll have the opportunity to do these things.

Travel to Germany.
Learn how to skateboard.
Use a bow and arrow.
Shoot a pistol.
Get the FUCK out of here.

You let out a deep sigh and threw the book under your bed. Why did things feel so much harder now that you've actually been given some leeway? What happened to your resolve? What happened to your edge?

The psychiatrist opened your room door and stood against the frame.

"Do you want to watch television, dear?" The man inquired. It wasn't much of a question, he knew you'd jump at the opportunity.

"Yes, please." You uttered. The doctors sent you a polite smile and offered his hand, which you took.

He lead you into the master bedroom, the only room with a television inside. Of course, Hannibal doesn't waste much of his valuable time watching mindless programming, but he knows it'll keep you close to him. Why not give you a semblance of choice and normal life?

You stood at the entrance of the room, watching as Hannibal searched in the drawer for the remote. Once he turned the TV on, he motioned for you to come onto the bed. Instead of obeying, you looked around the room, hoping to find an alternative spot for you to stay. Sadly, the cabin's master lacked a chair. Reluctantly, you walked to the bed sat on its edge.

"The television does not connect to cable, but there are a couple movies in the television stand's cupboard."

That'd be too easy...

You studied the man before getting up and finding something to watch. The selection was bleak, to say the least. All that was there were movies made in the late sixties and seventies. Nothing that you would've enjoyed to watch.

A Clockwork Orange.

You shuffled those titles out of the way until you found one that you've actually heard of.

The Exorcist.

You popped it into the player and retreated to the floor in front of the bed. It wouldn't kill you to listen to Hannibal, but being stubborn was the only thing you had left. You were barely clinging onto that, as it is.

"Is the floor comfortable for you, dear?" The psychiatrist inquired. You shrugged, watching at the credits played.

"What's going on, Y/N?" Hannibal moved to sit at the edge of the bed, looking down at your placidity.

"Nothing." You exhaled, eyes glued to the film.

"You're suppressing your emotions. Why is that?"

"I just- I want to watch the movie. Is that okay with you?" You tried so hard to hold back the snippy attitudes that you so badly wanted to unleash upon him.

Hannibal blinked at you, analyzing your strange behaviour. He nodded his head and began to watch the movie.

The film wasn't something you'd usually be into. Scary movies tend to rub you the wrong way, but the waking nightmare that you're currently in was beginning to be too much. It's a well needed distraction for all you've been through.

After a while, you were becoming slightly agitated with the movie. the graphics were terrible and the jump scares were not up your alley. So, you decided to get up and make your way back to your bed.

"Where are you fleeing to, my dear?" Hannibal's curiosity getting the better of him.

"Bed." You replied, standing in place with your back turned to the man. The sound of his approaching footsteps made you tense.

"I have something for you." The doctor whispered softly, looking over you. You didn't dare to move.

"I don't want it." You shot back. As soon as you turned to look at him, he stuck a needle into your neck.

The sudden prick had struck fear and panic into you. All of the alarms in your head were going off and in a few seconds, your vision began to distort. You looked up at the doctor then attempted to exit the room. You barely made it into the hallway when you knocked into a wall, causing your body to hit the ground like a rag doll.

"You're making it very hard not to hurt you, Y/N." Hannibal crouched down to hold your limp body.

"It's okay to submit, my dear. I've got you."

Those words were the last ones you heard before your consciousness was lost. The abyss that surrounded you left your body feeling completely relaxed; a feeling you haven't felt in so long.
i know, it's been a little bit. i'm sorry!

y'all, i'm waiting to hear about an internal position i applied for, and i can't stop thinking about it.

i'll try to write a bit more. 

-nova w.

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