xi. from here, on

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"Hannibal, please! Please, just let me out of here! I'll be good, I promise!"

It has been two straight days of you being cuffed to that bed. The handcuffs had chewed deep into your flesh, leaving your skin both bruises and bleeding. Although the pain could have been prevented, you couldn't lose that last bit of fight in you.

As minutes passed, you figured Hannibal probably wasn't home.

Are you kidding, Y/N?
God, I hate him.
Get me out.

"Let me out of here!" Your frustration quickly got the better of you. You began to thrash in bed, hoping that some miracle would occur.

Then, it hit you.

Kick the bed frame.
Aim for the cuffs?
Who gives a shit?
Just do something!

In an attempt to kick the frame of the bed, you began to awkwardly position your body; almost into fetal position, and aimed right for the bed's posts.

Luckily for you, most of the furniture in the cabin was dated. Several kicks later, you heard one of the metal rods loosen.

"Oh, my god..." You whispered in disbelief. A rush of adrenaline washed over your body, spurring your escape attempt on.

"Come- fucking- on!" You yelled with each attack on the bed.

Then, it happened.

Suddenly, the tension in your arms was relieved. You held the piece of metal close to your chest, tears springing from your eyes.

I did it...
I fucking did it!
Holy shit.
Okay- fuck, it's go time-

The sound of a door slamming boomed through the cabin. With your heart racing, you quickly hid behind the door. To your relief, Hannibal's
movements didn't seem unordinary; thankfully, he isn't a godly being and hasn't seen a vision of your wondrous escape.

Hannibal's approach to your room had your heart pounding against your chest. Your knuckles turned white as you gripped the metal rod, knowing the fate of your life depended on how you act.

The door slowly creaked open. As soon as you saw Hannibal cross the threshold, you wound up and took a hard swing at the doctor's head. A bloodcurdling crack reverberated throughout the bedroom. Hannibal was quick to fall to the floor. After wincing at the searing pain that went up your arms, you remained in your place, mindlessly watching the motionless man.

Once you processed the current situation, you realized that staring at your captor was a great waste of time... So, you tossed the rod and got busy.

Quickly, you got on your knees and started digging through the psychiatrist's pockets. Of course, the key to the handcuffs were absent; that'd be far too easy.

Settling for the keys to his car, you stood up to make your leave. A strange feeling of dread washed over you as you trekked through the cabin. Looking into the kitchen, you noticed Hannibal brought two grocery bags.

Curiosity getting the better of you, you decided to check if there was anything useful before heading out, for good.


Moving onto the second bag... was an absolute mistake.

Duct tape,
Zip ties,
Bag of pills.

"Jesus Christ, Hannibal..." You didn't want to begin thinking of the sick things he was planning.

You grabbed the syringes and pills, and ran out of the house. As soon as your ass hit the driver's seat, you locked the car doors. A quick search of the car and you found the keys in his glove compartment.

"Oh, my god." You quietly sobbed, your head resting against the leather steering wheel.
The night sky finally fell and you were relieved to have finally made your way out of the woods. The car suffered major surface damages but Hannibal could go fuck himself.

You were sure that you've been driving in the complete opposite direction but once you hit the highway, you found your way back towards your home.

Whatever the fuck that means, anymore.
It'd be the first place he'd look.

The plan you had composed consisted of you checking into a hotel after ditching his car. Knowing him, he has a tracker on the stupid thing. You stopped at a McDonald's and pocketed all the loose change from the deranged man's car.

"Oh, shit..." You looked down at your mangled wrists. Safe to say that you looked like a battered homeless person; a look that would surely attract too much attention.

"Can't do shit about it now." Ignoring the marks, you walked in and ordered a cheeseburger and water.

Unfortunately for you, halfway through your burger a little girl approached.

"You're hurt!" She squealed. Your eyes widened in absolute horror as she pointed at your arms, then turned to her parents at the next table.

"Mommy, she's got blood there!"

You didn't wait another second, leaving your food and running out of the fast food joint. Instead of ditching the car like you originally planned, you hopped in and drove to the only place that made sense.
A police station located downtown was your immediate next stop. Parking his car, you pocketed the keys and walked up the stairs. Immediately, you recognized a police woman behind the counter. Her wavy brown hair

"I'd like to report a crime." You began, putting your hands atop the counter. A wince escaped your lips at the ghastly sight. Blue and purple bruises riddled your fragile body.

"Alright. My name is Officer Rhea May. What's your name, dear?" The go-to pet name that Hannibal had given you made you wince. You quickly shook your head cleared your throat.

"Y/N Clarke. I- I was kidnapped by my psychiatrist. He kept me locked in a cabin for- I- I- don't know how long it's been." You said to Officer May, on the brink of having a mental breakdown.

"Okay, Y/N. I'm going to lead you to one of our detectives who will take your statement and begin working on your case. Follow
me this way." She said softly, clearly sensing the.  vulnerable state you were in. Whatever happened to you, Rhea could see it did a number on you.

As May lead you through the precinct, you couldn't help but notice all of the wandering eyes
coming from many of the uniformed officers. To a person in a somewhat normal state of mind, these glances would reflect genuine concern.

However, to you, all you saw were gazes filled with pity, and it made you feel sick to your stomach.
oh, snap, you actually made it out?



on a personal note, y'all know I have a deep appreciation for you and your time. 🤍

-nova w.

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