3 (ranboo)

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"you can go sit at the back next to ranboo beloved" mr.TDM says. ranboo looks up in surprise. he had only been half listening at this point, but they snap to attention at hearing his name.

as he looks up, ranboo locks eyes with the new student, tubbo, as he walks to the seat next to them, and its definitely his friend from when they were kids.
sure, now tubbos hair is so long that it almost covers his eyes, and his 2 sets of horns are much longer, plus of course the large scar across half his face.
but tubbo still has the same chocolate brown eye, the same amusing shortness, and it apears he still has the same obsession with bees, judging by the bee pin stuck to his backpack.

tubbo seems slightly shocked and a look of recognition flashes across his face for a moment, before turning back to his carefully crafted smile, just big enough to not seem expressionless.
ranboo wonders again if tubbo remembers them.
tubbo sits down beside ranboo, placing his bag down before turning to him carefully, as if he's worried to start a conversation.
"hello," ranboo says with a small smile, waving slightly.
"hi," tubbo answers, waving back.
at this point, mr. TDM has resumed his lecture, so their conversation is cut off for the time being.

at the end of class Tubbo gets up as the bell rings, pulling on his backpack as he walks.
"Tubbo!" ranboo calls, weeving through the crowded hall to reach him.
tubbo turns around, looking for the source of the voice. when he spots ranboo, he stops walking as they aproach him.
"whats up?" he asks
ranboo answers, beginning to ramble "would you like to sit with me and a couple other of my friends at lunch? I know today is your first day so you probably don't have anyone to sit with but if you do then its totally fine for you to say no but I just figured I'd ask since we were friends when we were kids and you still seem cool-"
tubbo cuts him off "you remember me?"
ranboo is shocked at the question "yea, of course. why wouldn't I, we were best friends for like 4 years."
"yea, I know, but you just always had kind of a shit memory so I just figured you wouldn't remember" tubbo answers. "and, to answer your question, I'd love to sit with you guys at lunch, where should I meet you"
"really?" they answer "uh, you can meet me in front of the front entrance to the school if thats alright with you."
"fine by me," he says "ill see you at lunch"
they say their goodbyes and head seperate ways, to their classes.

bit of a short chapter, but I couldn't think of any ways to lengthen it.
also, I've decided that I'm gonna aim to upload every other saturday:)
this isn't a super concrete plan as I obviously have school, plus I have extracurriculars 4 days a week, but ill try my best to keep uploads steady.

word count: 460

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