2 (tubbo)

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Sorry if this part is literal shit, im writing at midnight while sick with a severly injured wrist that I think is probably sprained but im too stupid to go to the doctor about it

Tubbo sighs, staring up at the school before him.
"come on." he mutters to himself "standing here isn't going to make going in any easier."

he had had to move because his parents had kicked him after an... unfortunate incident involving his old schools chemestry lab, a bored tubbo, and access to a website telling him what not to mix together to create a bomb. you would think he learned his lesson about explosives after the first incident, but I guess not.
anyways, moving on from that.

tubbo approached the front office, fidgeting with his backpack straps until the receptionist looked up.
"hello, what can I do for you?" she asked, her name card read "Ms. Puffy"
"um, hi." tubbo responds nervously "this my first day, the email the school sent said to come here?"
"oh yea!" she says kindly "you must be Tubbo underscore, give me just a minute and I'll get you your schedule."
she turns to her computer screen and types a few things into the keyboard, before a whirring sound comes from a printer in the corner of the room behind her desk.

Ms Puffy takes a piece of paper, presumably his schedule, from the printer before handing it to him.
"here you are, you'll be going to Mr. TDM for your first class, just down that hall there." she says, pointing down one of the various passages snaking out from the main room.
"thank you:)" (before you say anything yES IM AWARE THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE AN IRL CONVERSATION I just couldn't figure out another way to perceive how he says it other then the ":)")

Tubbo checks the schedule for his classroom number, before walking down the hall.
"D102, D103, D104," he mutters, looking at the room numbers as he walks "D107, ah! here it is, D109."
he walks up to the closed door, nervously opening it, careful not to make much noise.
after entering the room, a teacher looks uo from his desk and smiles.
"oh, hello Tubbo! I was told you would be here, come up to the front so I can introduce you to the class."
tubbo walks up nervously as the class stops their chatter, looking up.
"class, this is Tubbo! he's just moved here from *insert city name here*, I expect you all to be polite and help him with figuring out anything he needs.

tubbo waves awkwardly, feeling  and seeing everyone gawking at his face. more specifically, they were gawking at the large, almost completely healed scar across the right half of his face making the skin red and uneven, along with his fake eye, very obviously fake with the small biohazzard symbol where his iris should be.
tubbo mentally cursed at himself for choosing to wear this eye this morning, instead of his more realistic brown one.

"alright tubbo, you can go sit in the back next to ranboo beloved. I'm sure you two will get along great.
ranboo beloved? tubbo thinks holy shit, what are the chances I get put next to the guy I used to be best friends with!
im sure he won't remember though, he already had a terrible memory combined with it being 10 years ago.

Tubbo decides to just ignore their past and just go sit, being almost positive that ranboo wouldn't remember him.

heres a more accurate expectation for chapter lengths.
sorry its still pretty short, but I have trouble finding motivation to work on something more then once, so I write every chapter in one sitting.
that combined with the undiagnosed neurodivergency means I can't work for too long either, so chapters are staying short unless I become a faster writer.

also, sorry about any spelling errors, like I said at the beginning I recently injured my wrist so It's kinda hard for me to use a keyboard, and I'm far too tired to try to proofread it.

word count: 555

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