8 (tommy)

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literally writing in class rn
TW: underage drinking, mentions of drug use, alcohol addiction, description of injuries

"so, whats up with your scar?" bill asks, directed at tubbo, and aimee looks at him in shock
"oh my god bill, you cant ask someone something like that" he exclaims, before looking at tubbo apologetically.
"no its fine," tubbo says, putting down his sandwich.
"this was about 6 months ago. my older brother was like, really fuckin abusive. well technically he still is, but i don't live with him now. also id like to note that he didn't get like this until he started drinking a lot, hes barely ever sober now.
so basically, he dragged me to some new years party, it was one of those ones where kids are snorting shit and drinks lots. I didn't wanna be there, but it was either go or get hit, so figured id just sit in a corner all night. me brother had a 'henchman' of sorts, some guy he blackmailed into doing his bidding.
so its like 11:30, and my brother, his name is schlatt by the way, is really fuckin drunk. like, more then usual, and i see him take his "friend" away from the party and tells him something, i didn't catch that bit, but then his buddy shakes his head and says something, and schlatt gets REALLY angry and yells at him "do it or im telling everyone," I heard that part cus it was really loud, and his friend nods and walks off. i didn't think much of it, i thought he was just getting him to steal some beer or something, oh was I wrong.
at midnight they were all setting off fireworks and im standing off to the side watching, when all of a sudden schlatts buddy runs up to one thats about to go off and kicks it over, towards me, before running off. I have literally NO time to react beofore it goes off, this part is just what ive heard from witness reports by the way, i don't really remember anything after like 11:45, but anyways it goes off and hits me in the eye, and a ton of people call 911 and im taken to the hospital, where they had to do an emergency surgery to take out my damaged eye and basically reconstruct half my face. apparently if it have been any stronger of a firework it would have either killed me or caused severe brain damage, so i guess in that case im lucky that I just ended up with ptsd and anxiety,
my brother got arrested for attemped murder and blackmail, he got 45 years in prison and parole for his entire life, but his buddy vanished before they could get him, so did his dad and brother and sister."
why does that sound familiar...
"what was his name? the 'buddy', I mean."
I ask, praying that hes not gonna say what I think he is.
"his name was technoblade, I think. everyone called him techno though."
"oh. I need to go im sorry." I say before picking ip my backpack and running off
shit shit shit. what the fuck is he hiding that made him do something that fucked up. I think as I run, turning to corner down my street and running into the house
"techno" I yell angrily
"what" he says, peeking out of the kitchen doorway "im making baked potatoes, why are you home. and why do you sound angry."
"you fucking launched a firework at an innocent kid? what the fuck did you do."
unrelated but my teacher just yelled at some kids in the back "i shouldn't hear you giggling and talking about kissing eachother" ok back to angst now
techno goes white.
"how did you find out about that. phil said he wouldn't tell you. how do you know that." he mutters, rushing over.
"that kid whos life you ruined moved down here. he told me what happened techno. why did you let schlatt make you do that."
"I swear it wasn't my idea-"
"I know. what. was. he. blackmailing. you. with."
"I- that my business."
"fine. but im gonna assume it was something really trivial then."
"fine." techno says, turning back to the kitchen. "and go to school."

we gettin crazy up in here
I wrote this in science class instead of learning about tectonic plates cus thats #boring

word count: 719

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