Chapter 1

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Gon watched sunlight trapse its way across his bedroom ceiling. He was lying in his bed, his long boots draped off the end from the day before.

"Gon! Lunchtime!" Aunt Mito called from downstairs.

"C-Coming!" shouted back Gon.

With that, Gon slapped his face with both hands, shook himself, and leapt up. He pulled his boots on and then carefully made his bed, smoothing out all the creases.

Aunt Mito had just finished laying the table as Gon slowly came down the stairs.

"Good morning!" Gon said.

"Good afternoon to you too." Aunt Mito replied giving Gon a funny look. "How did you get on with yesterday's homework?".

Gon pointed to a pile of paper with his knife. "All done." he said with a mouthful of egg. "Oh! Thank you for the food!" Gon said, remembering his manners.

Aunt Mito looked astonished. "Really? You did it all? That's every day this week!". She looked closely at him. "Who are you and what have you done with Gon?".

Gon stuck out an eggy tongue with a quick grin, but said nothing and carried on eating his meal. Aunt Mito sat down next to him.

"It's been really great having you back." She said, "and you've been doing so well in your studies! Well... you've been doing all your studies at any rate!" Aunt Mito smiled down at Gon, but he was looking at his food. She continued "And that's all fantastic! However, these past few months, you've seemed a bit... down. Are you alright?".

Gon lifted his head, a pained look in his eyes. He was clenching his cutlery so tight they had started to bend. Aunt Mito gasped, "Gon stop!" she said as she pointed down.

Gon snapped out of it, "S-sorry Aunt Mito!" he said giving himself a shake and letting the deformed tableware clatter down. "I- I don't know what's wrong and I'm not sure what to do!".

Aunt Mito put her arm around his shoulders. "Well, you haven't talked to your friends in a while. Perhaps they'd be able to help?".

Gon quickly shook his head. "They're very busy at the moment! Important things to look after! Besides, they're too far away to visit!".

Aunt Mito laughed. "Too far! For a professional hunter? Gon you really are in a funny way if you think that. I can't bring myself to tell you to go, but I can't stand to see you like this either!". Aunt Mito sighed, "I think you must be feeling a bit lost after you found Ging, right? You just need a new goal! What would make you happiest?".

"Make me happiest..." Gon repeated, staring at the wall. "What I want..." he shifted uncomfortably.

Aunt Mito continued "Or you could try working on something you need, or help someone else out. Or-" she stopped as Gon jumped up.

"I need my nen back before I can do anything else!" he said. "I'll decide on a goal later."

"Your nen?" Aunt Mito said, "I thought that you'd already tried going through your lessons Mr. Wing gave you?"

"Someone will know how to fix me." Gon said, "I just have to find them..."

And so, Gon started to hunt.


"Killua gets so mad when he's not talking to us." Alluka remarked quietly.

Killua was currently 'negotiating' with a train conductor. At first Alluka could only hear scattered words over the sounds on the platform, but as the conversation grew more heated it was easier to follow. She certainly got the general gist when Killua span round, shouting "Moron!" over his shoulder. He reached for her hand.

"No luck with this one either?" said Alluka as they walked away, "Trains, busses, taxis and airships! None of them seem to like us very much." Alluka didn't seem upset, though.

"Well." said Killua, "They don't believe my hunter's license is real, so they want us to leave."

"We could get a ticket like everyone else, couldn't we?" asked Alluka.

"That's not the point." Killua muttered sullenly, then looked down at his sister. "They shouldn't be so silly!" he said and smiled.

Alluka smiled back. She loved that she was able to spend this time with him. As they started to walk, she hummed and swung her arms back and forth.

"Does big brother miss Gon?" she asked.

Killua stopped suddenly in his tracks, inadvertently yanking Alluka round to face him as she walked forward.

"No I don't." Killua said, "Why do you ask?".

"I think big brother does miss Gon" Alluka said.

"Ha, don't worry Alluka. You've got me all to yourself!" said Killua cheerfully, "Why don't we get some ice-cream?".

"Chocolate please!"

Killua nodded and continued walking. The street they had made their way to was bustling with good natured fishmongers and grocers calling out their wares, and customers bustling to see. Somehow, despite the crowd, the Zoldycks always had a clear path forward. The street was cobbled with smooth stones that slipped under Alluka's feet. Killua made a sharp left into a shop. Alluka covered her nose as her senses were assaulted with pungent fragrances and spices.

"I don't think they sell ice-cream in here" Alluka remarked.

Killua said nothing, but lead her to the back of the shop and down some stairs to a lower room. This room backed out onto a canal which was recessed so that it flowed below street-level. Peeking out of an open window, Alluka could see a large barge floating passed. Killua stood facing the stairs.

"Come out now." Killua said icily, "Or I'll come get you."

A boy little taller than Alluka walked down the stairs. He was wearing a white martial arts uniform and had short brown hair.

"Hello Killua!" he said with a mix of emotions on his face.

"Oh." replied Killua. "Hey Zushi." 


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