Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Alluka, Killua and Zushi walked alongside the canal, licking their respective ice creams. Alluka held her ice cream in both hands and walked on the inside, right next to the water, where she could see the ducks up close. Killua was chatting to Zushi, who was furthest from the water.

"I still don't understand how you knew I was there!" said Zushi. "I was using zetsu and I kept out of sight."

"Well." said Killua with a grin. "You let your zetsu slip for a fraction of a second. Twice. Even when you were using zetsu, I could hear footsteps coming from a place where I couldn't sense anyone. Also, the movements of the crowd gave you away." And about another dozen reasons on top of that, thought Killua. "What were you doing trying to sneak up on me anyhow?" he asked. "That could have gone badly for you." he added. Maybe if I had thought you were a threat, anyway...

Zushi looked a little glum. "As Wing sensei knew you were going to be in the area, he sent me to track you as a training exercise." he said, a little sadly. Then he brightened up, "At least now I get to say hi though!".

"Don't beat yourself up too much." said Killua. "I couldn't tell exactly who you were, which actually impressed me a little for someone with your level of experience.".

"Err... Thanks!" said Zushi. But I've been doing this longer than you! he thought.

They continued chatting for a while, with Zushi showing off his ren, which Killua agreed had improved a lot since they'd last been in contact. Then Killua arced a little electricity between his index fingers, leaving Zushi astonished. They caught each other up on all that had happened since training together. Alluka soon lost interest in the ducks and looked up at Killua with shining eyes as he told his tale. He recounted his adventures with Gon in Greed Island with much enthusiasm and flair, at least by his standards, recreating scenes and quoting the various people they had met. When it came to the NGL and chimera ants, he briefly told of events and places. He explained little of how Gon fell ill and was healed. Soon the ice cream was gone, and the sun was getting low in the sky.

"I should give my report to Wing sensei." said Zushi. "It has been great catching up, but I think I need to catch up in my training too! It was nice to meet you, miss!" he added to Alluka.

"Bye bye, Zushi." Alluka said.

After a nod farewell from Killua, Zushi went to leave. Looking back over his shoulder, he called "Give my best to Gon.". Then he was gone.

Killua sighed and took Alluka's hand once again. "Let's go find a hotel, shall we?" he said, as they walked towards the town centre.


Gon edged his way along the precipice. The ledge, barely an inch wide, ran right around the cliff face which jutted into the sea. The waves roared incessantly, forty feet beneath his boots. He'd be soaked to the skin as every seventh wave or so was large enough that its spray shot up higher than Gon was now. This meant that everything was slippery, and whenever he was buffeted the water lifted him bodily just to slam him down. He didn't stop, though, even in those moments that he was weightless, as sheer finger-grip strength anchored him the wall.

After rounding the most exposed face, the precipice started to angle downwards towards an opening in the rock. Gon got to the end of the ledge, below him was the opening with its own platform protruding out. It would be simple enough to jump down there, but unfortunately it spent most of its time underwater. The opening filled and emptied with every wave, so the best time to jump was just before the next wave came after most all the water from the previous wave had drained out. Got to get my timing just right, thought Gon, I'm glad I came at lowest tide. Gon waited, then dropped. As soon as he touched the ledge below he sprang forward, arms outstretched into the hole. "W- Woah!" shouted Gon with a grin as the next wave blasted in, carrying him up the small tunnel. He let the water push him up as far as it could, then used his arms and legs to pin himself in place. It was pitch black, so he reached down and snapped a glowstick attached to his belt. The tunnel continued up, and so did Gon.

He climbed into a large chamber. What looked like pews and an altar had been chiselled from the rock. Nen writing, similar to Wing's promise band and Ging's box, curled around the pillars that held up the ceiling. The walls were bare, except the far wall behind the large 'altar' block. Gon went closer to examine it. Decorations ran around the edge of what looked like had once been a huge stone tablet, but the inside was missing, the edges jagged. Smashed or stolen, thought Gon, ah well, onto the next lead.

Gon continued his hunt.


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Eventual Kilugon 👀? Let me know your thoughts.

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