Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Gon trudged his way up the sand dune. The sand shifted underneath his feet and waves of heat washed over him as he crested the top. Wind swept sand into his face, which stuck to the sweat that had started to bead on his forehead. Gon scanned the horizon. There was the shadow of some mountains in the distance, and there was the sea. Gon focused in on a particular area a few miles off and his face lit up. He turned, took a few steps back the way he had come, rotated again, and paused. With a burst of speed Gon launched himself forward and made a great leap from the top of the dune, head first, arms outstretched, laughing as he went. He hit the bank with a thud and started to slide and roll until he was at the bottom. Gon sat up, smiling, then looked back up the dune to the single sand trail he had made. The only disturbance to the smooth sands for miles. Gon's smile left his face as he turned towards his goal. He trudged onwards.

Ten minutes later, Gon knew he was getting close. The fresh scents carried on the headwind were much stronger now, so that he could tell the correct direction even in the dips of the massive dunes. When he did reach a crest, he could see the patch of greenery that meant only one thing in this part of the world, an oasis. It was much larger than Gon had been led to believe in the books he read on Whale Island, a far cry from a pond and palm tree. No, instead Gon saw a stretch of land covered in tufts of grass and bushes and trees leading on for almost a half-mile. Pools were dotted about, as were tents and campfires. Near the centre of the oasis was a very grand tent, almost like a circus big-top that Gon had seen once in Yorknew City. That is probably the best place to start looking, Gon thought.

As Gon made his final approach he took a moment to register all the information his considerable senses of hearing, sight and smell were giving him. Smoke from the woodfires in the tents. Laughter from children younger than he, playing some sort of ball game. The glint of semi-concealed daggers in the clothing of the adults. No one paid him much mind as he went, despite his relatively odd clothing and appearance. Perhaps they were used to strangers. When he got to the large tent however, two tall, bearded men in flowing white clothing barred his way.

"Do you have a gift for the Bondsmith?" one asked. The other stood with his best 'intimidation' face on.

Gon looked surprised. "A gift?" he queried.

"It is customary." said the intimidating one, giving Gon a nasty grin which revealed a gold tooth.

There was a long moment as Gon thought things through.

"I will give him an interesting story." Gon finally said with a firm nod.

"Hmm. Yes. That is the Bondsmith's favourite gift. You may pass." said the first man. The second only grinned wider.

Gon entered the tent.

Inside was a dazzling display of wealth. Everything from the bed-posts to the chandelier that dominated the ceiling seemed to be made of, or covered with, gold. Even the carpets were woven with gold thread. The gold was so pervasive that the air itself seemed to glow yellow. In the centre of the room was a chair – more like a throne really – and on that chair was an old man. His beard and hair were bone-white, his sandals tattered, and his nose crooked. As Gon approached, he noticed that the man's, the Bondsmith's, eyes were white.

Gon stood a respectful distance away and opened his mouth to speak, but the Bondsmith spoke first.

"So you have finally arrived." he croaked. "I thought you would have crossed the sand more quickly. Never mind. What is your name, boy?"

"Gon Freecss!" said Gon, a little louder than he intended.

"I'm blind, not deaf!" said the Bondsmith. "Now, let me have a look at you..."

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