Chapter 6: A Masquerade of Vampires pt. 2

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I didn't feel at ease with Tristan de Martel as we sailed across the dance floor. Still, to his credit, he was a good dancer. Tristan twirled me softly, and I landed back in his arms.

'I'm glad you came, Lilliana,' he said softly. 'Like it or not, when one refers to the Mikaelsons, they're referring to you as well. Tonight will allow you to make up your own mind about our organisation.'

'And by killing my friend, you're going to make the best impression?' I asked sharply.

'I think tonight, you'll bear witness to the truth. At the very least, you cannot call us liars.'

Elijah stood at the bar, holding a glass in his hand, when he felt Marcel's presence.

'I could have warned you,' he said softly. Marcel turned and came to the bar.

'Look, I didn't tell you I was coming tonight because -'

'I wouldn't have allowed it.'

'Yeah. There's that word - "allowed". You know, I thought I'd earned the right to be considered an equal, but that's not the way it works in your family, so it's time I consider my options. If nothing else, the Strix aren't interested in me as a sidekick.'

'These options, as you describe them, are a death sentence,' Elijah replied. 'I suppose I shall have to intervene. It is a shame. I expect it shall ruin my tuxedo,' he added with a smile. 'I have had this suit for over a hundred years; it's proven far more reliable than you, Marcellus.'

'Relax, all right? I've got this under control.'

'Do you?'

'That is a nice jacket,' he said, and walked away, catching Aya's arm.

'There are few novelties left in the world, especially to us,' Tristan said, the two of us swaying softly on the dance floor. 'A creature such as you is certainly among them.'

'And what kind of creature might that be?'

'A creature that is very close to Elijah, someone whose life doesn't depend on the survival of the Original family. He will do anything for you. You, Lilliana Rose Moore, are one of a kind, and a true beauty, at that.' He spun me. Just then a howl sounded through the room, and drunken whooping. Several girls in racy Halloween costumes filtered into the room, and Klaus and Lucien hanging onto them, drunkenly cheering in delight.

'My God, it's a room full of Elijahs,' Lucien blurted out.

'I had that exact same nightmare once,' Klaus said, eliciting laughter from the girls and Lucien.

'Grab us a drink, luv,' Lucien said to one of the girls. 'Feel free to fetch one for yourself.' The girl walked away, Klaus drunkenly ranting,

'One for me, and her and her and her. Tristan. Tristan!' he screamed. 'Come out, come out, wherever you are,' he said in a singsong voice. 'Unless, of course, you're afraid.'

'Excuse me,' Tristan said, removing himself away from me and walking up to the clearly intoxicated crew. 'You should - uh, move along. You're not welcome here.'

'Oh, oh, okay. We're - we're not welcome here -' Klaus turned with a cheeky laugh and grabbed a glass of champagne. 'Or maybe you should move along, before I make you cry in front of all your little friends,' he added with a drunken laugh.

'My concern is for your companions. They appear out of sorts without a shiny pole to ride upon,' Tristan replied.

'Oh, he's suggesting that you're exotic dancers, which, to him, is an insult, if not somewhat hypocritical,' Lucien said with a laugh. 'But don't take it personally, luv. He finds all work demeaning. The only dignified way to accumulate wealth is by birth. Boop!' He jokingly booped Tristan's nose, and Klaus, standing behind him with the champagne glass in his hand, began to laugh again. 'Isn't that right, Tristan?'

'Niklaus!' Elijah said, walking into the circle. Klaus looked around blindly, searching for the sound of the voice. 'You're hammered,' he said with a soft smile. 'Which shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone here, but it does hamper the festivities somewhat, so can I recommend that you... find the nearest exit and -' Klaus looked at him. 'And could you take your playthings with you, too?' Klaus pushed the glass into Elijah's chest, staring at him harder. Elijah's brows furrowed in confusion, slowly beginning to understand that this was a trick, a party act for something bigger. That something bigger... I was unsure of. Klaus walked away, letting out a scoff underneath his breath. Then he turned, putting on the drunk act once again.

'You know, I used to find it insulting that I was barred from your special little club,' he exclaimed obnoxiously, 'but now I realise I lack the flexibility to become a member. I could never get my head far enough up my own ass,' he said, mockingly bowing to Tristan with a flourish, the girls and Lucien drunkenly laughing again. Elijah offered the glass to him and Klaus took a deep drink, staring at Tristan. 'Cheap,' he scoffed. 'Come on. Let's go. This party's dead anyway,' Klaus said, making the group laugh again. Klaus howled with laughter.

Several hours later...

'I'm sorry,' the witch Alexis said, sitting next to Lucien as he consoled her. Elijah, Freya, Klaus, and myself stood nearby. 'I hoped I was wrong, Lucien - I really did - but I saw it. I saw him die.'

'Did you see the weapon?' Lucien asked. She nodded. 'What is it?'

'To understand, it must be seen,' she replied. Lucien frowned. She extended her wrists to myself and Elijah. We sat, and locking eyes with each other, we bit into her wrists, seeing the visions before our eyes. Her nose began to bleed, and pulling back, the two of us retched violently.

'Something's wrong,' I gasped.

'It's poison,' Elijah replied. Alexis vomited out blood, and Lucien pulled her into his lap.

'No, no, no, no!' He held her, and her eyes closed in death.

The next day...

Tristan sat at a table, and Elijah and I stood nearby.

'Of course it was Lucien. I have to give him credit,' Tristan said. 'It's quite the stroke of genius. The entirety of his claims against me rest on these visions. His promise that they'd become more specific was necessary but impractical. Details can be verified, cross-examined, debunked. The longer his allegations remain vague, the less credible they become, so removing them entirely was actually the only move left to make.' Elijah sat down and grabbing the back of Tristan's neck, brought him in to whisper in his ear.

'Your words are no more compelling than his,' he said softly. 'I want proof.' He let go of Tristan and stood, as I walked away with my fiance.

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