🌙 Chapter 3 - A Mission of Change (Part 1)🔮

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(Pretend that's at night) ⬆️

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(Pretend that's at night) ⬆️

[💡Previously from Chapter 2💡]

"Amy! It's great to see you in person after a long while!"

"...some members of the Resistance left their wispons behind. And I was wondering if one of these might be of interest to you."


"...I'll try my best!"
[The sun begins to set and we see the sky go from a vibrant strawberry lemonade color to a lavender and navy blue hue.
Sonic and Y/N speed their way towards their next location. After not seeing each other when the War ended, it was nice to go on another mission and working together like the "old times". Of course, the war ended several months ago, so reuniting was a little out of place, but small talk fixes everything, right?]

💙Sonic: .....So uh, rookie.....well, not exactly a rookie anymore. It's been a while, bud.

Y/N: ....[nervously chuckles] Yeah. 😅

💙Sonic: So, how's things been going for 'ya? Y'know....after the War.

Y/N: Well, it's been alright. Been training a bit everyday, and cleaning up cities. A bunch of restoring and making sure everyone's okay and well, helping others out.

How about you? I mean, the War has been hard on all of us. The Resistance, me, everyone on the planet, but especially you. ⭐

💙Sonic: I never thought of it that way. I guess I felt really guilty of being gone for 6 months and letting the Eggman Empire take control of 99% of Mobius.

Everyone counted on me, I mean....I'm the carefree, good-looking, confident hero going around and fighting badniks, Eggman, and anything that disturbs our peaceful environment.

[Looks down, sadly] But when they needed me the most, I failed.....and "disappeared". As a consequence, I was mentally tortured for months based on my mistake of being defeated easily by Infinite.

I've always felt like this war was my fault for not being there-[Sonic stops running; he stands and looks like he was on the verge of crying] 💙

Y/N: [They stop running and notice Sonic's face; they ask in a worried tone] S-Sonic, are you alright?

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