🔮 Chapter 4 - A Mission of Change (Part 2) 🐺

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[💡Previously from Chapter 3...💡]

"Alright, we got a mission to complete and a base we need to crash in!"

"I thought I was infiltrating the base myself. But it appears I have company."

"...who did that?"

"Mind if I cut in?...."
🤍?? (2): Mind if I cut in?

[A friendly but familiar face entered the room. Sonic squints his eyes to catch a glimpse of this stranger with a sweet, but dorky sounding voice.]

💙Sonic: Silver?

🤍Silver: [waves] Hey guys!

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🤍Silver: [waves] Hey guys!

Y/N's Inner Thoughts: So this must be the Silver they talk about. He looks cooler in person. [A/N: For context, you mostly heard of Silver and have interacted a bit with him, but mostly through your communicator and when he gave instructions during the events of Sonic Forces.]

[Silver turns to look at Y/N, with a face full of optimism and hope]

🤍Silver: Hey! It's the rookie! I-I mean, now that I think of it, you're a pro. I'm sorry 😅 [nervously chuckles, while rubbing the back of his head]

Y/N: It's okay. 😅

🤍 Silver: [turns to Sonic] Good to see you again, Sonic.

💙Sonic: Same here. [chuckles, then talks with a hint of sass when talking about the Badnik attack] Silver, I had that, man.

🤍Silver: S-Sorry! I didn't mean to barge in and take all the credit.

💙 Sonic: It's cool. We're just glad you're here. Thanks for holding the door for us back there.

[Y/N looks at their surroundings in awe of how Eggman can even afford building these bases and Badniks that get destroyed any chance they get.]

🤍Silver: [confused] What door? I came in through the other way. 🤨

💙Sonic: [turns to look at the door] Well, if you didn't help me nor Y/N, then who did?-

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