Chapter 4: Another promotion

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Things are moving along people.

"Last one in closes the door." Skales reminded the small Hypnobrai, before starting the bus. Once he pressed the peddle, they went on their way. He took a quick glance at the back before noticing that the bus wasn't as overfilled as the last few times. It seemed like he had managed to gather the last of the Serpentine, a feat he better hoped Pyhtor would congratulate him for. When he agreed to help the Anacondrai with another one of his plans, driving back and forth from Ouroboros to Ninjago City hadn't exactly been what he had expected. Not that there had been any better way to gather them.

But it had seemed the news of the uncovering of Ouroboros was as effective as Pythor had predicted. Even the snakes that hadn't believed him when he told them went along anyway just to be sure. It certainly made his job a bit easier.

The hardest part was simply trying not to fall asleep as he drove. It was fortunate that the roads were so empty, or else he might have accidentally crashed into someone. But as the night descended on the last trek of the journey, it became clear that they didn't need to worry about anyone interrupting their gathering. Not this time at least. He hadn't even as much as seen a glimpse of a ninja throughout the whole day, so perhaps they could finally have some peace.

Before Skales even knew it, they reached the desert, and after that, the formerly Lost City of Ouroboros. In contrast to the massive towers and buildings of Ninjago City, it was barely visible from a distance, looking more like a weird rock formation than a city. A perfect hide-out for the Serpentine. Of course, only until they didn't need to fear the surface-dwellers and their pathetic ninjas. Then they wouldn't need to hide anymore. Not on the surface and certainly not under the earth.

He drove past the large statuses that signaled the entrance, and right into the heart of Ouroboros, where he parked the bus, and let out a satisfied sigh for a job well done. He moved out of his seat and looked at his fellow snakes, whose faces were filled with the same awe as he had felt not so long ago.

"We're here." He proudly stated as he slithered out of the bus, before waiting outside for the rest to come out.

"Thisss way. There ssshould be sssome ssseat for you over there. Just follow the othersss." He said as the last Serpentine exited the bus. He pointed toward some others who were making their way to the center where the Slither Pit was, their excited chattering audible from even where they were standing. It seemed to rile the passengers up who quickly made their way over to the others. Once they were gone, Skales took the chance to stretch his stiff back.

"I don't understand how the humansss manage to drive these around all day." He muttered to himself, before noticing that his tail was stiff as well. Not that he had any idea of how he was supposed to stretch it. Perhaps Fangtom would be willing to give him some advice.

Speaking of the devil, Fangtom came slithering towards him, catching the Hypnobrai slightly by surprise.

"Oh, Fangtom! Didn't notice you there. I wasss planning on sssaying hello to you once I wasss done with being a chauffeur." He explained, with a bit of contempt in his voice. Something that Fangotm quickly caught on to.

"Ha! I would never have believed-that I would ever see you being forced into such-menial labor!"

"Trust me, it wasn't exactly my idea either," Skales said jokingly, before making his way to the center, with Fangtom following by his side.

"Then whose idea-was it?"

Skales nearly froze upon hearing the question. He had forgotten that he hadn't made his allegiance with Pyhtor official yet. Something that the Anacodnrai had encouraged him to keep to himself or else the entirety of his plan would fall apart. Not that he had explained yet what that plan was, but Skales was sure he would learn soon enough. But what mattered at the moment was keeping Fangtom in the dark.

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