Chapter 8: Early celebrations

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With the map in their hands, the hunt for the Fangblades is going well for the Serpentine. Having already found their first at the Mega Monster Amusement Park, the Serpentine have returned to Ouroboros, their base of operations. There, Pythor is sure to plan their next move with Skales. And perhaps...other things as well.

The sound of festivities filled the otherwise quiet city of Ouroboros. The impossible had been done, and a relic of a past age of glory had been recovered. A Fangblade. A thing of legends and bedtime stories told to children, had been discovered and was in Serpentine hands, where it belonged. Skales could still hear the cheering ringing in his ears, from when they returned to the city. All the Serpentine that had stayed behind were in awe when Pythor proudly showed them the blade. The same feeling of victory had echoed in the warriors as they had made their way back. Skales couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the fact that he had been there when they dug up the Fangblade. The map had been the first actual evidence of the Devourer, and with the first blade in their hands, there was no one left to doubt that soon enough the last three Fangblades would be found, and Pythor would awaken the Great Devourer. And to sweeten the whole affair, they had managed to not only defeat the pesky Samurai X but also reveal their identity. Skales was certainly surprised to learn he recognized the girl. He had first seen her at the attack on Jamanakai Village. Later he had heard from some Serpentine that the same girl was helping the ninja. It would explain why the Samurai had helped the ninja escape when they had captured them both. But whoever the Samurai was, she had been a great enemy. And yet she had still been defeated. Even the other Generals and Fangtom were ecstatic upon their return, seemingly forgetting all about their previous distrust of Pythor and his plans. The first step had been taken on the journey to the Devourer, and it had been a great one.

But instead of feeling joyful about the whole situation, Skales felt relieved. He had practically been ready to sacrifice everything in Pyhtor's name. If the legend of the Devourer had been fake, and if Pythor hadn't managed to win the trust and respect of the other tribes, Skales would have fallen with him. Losing both the backing of his own tribe and his recent title as General. And while Pythor's success had meant he had lost most of the control he held over the Hypnobrai, he had instead gained a fraction of influence over all the Serpentine, as Pythor's second-in-command. A thing that could easily rival the position of General. Indeed, his loyalty had been greatly rewarded, which was only fair for all the trouble he had gone through in the Anacondrai's name.

And yet, it didn't seem enough. An opportunity had presented itself. One that could gain him so much more power than he could imagine. While an advisor to Pythor would certainly have some influence over him, a lover could have so much more. The idea of furthering his relationship with Pythor for his own gain didn't sit right with the Hypnobrai. But he did have feelings for the Anacondrai. That he couldn't deny any longer. So why couldn't he use it in his favor? Why couldn't he gain something from the situation, now that it seemed inevitable the two of them weren't breaking apart anytime soon?

Those thoughts swirled in his mind, as the others around him partied and celebrated. Their successful mission had proved that the Serpentine could work together once again. And with that information, the snakes had used it as an excuse to mingle and celebrate together, without the boundaries of the tribes separating them. It was a sight that Skales had never even dreamed he would see. And yet it was happening right in front of him.

Skales had celebrated too, with his friend Fangtom of course. It had been a long time since the two of them had the chance to have fun together, just as they did in the past. The festivities were only helped by the fact that some Serpentine had the great idea of stealing food and drinks from the amusement pack. It was a long time ago since any Serpentine had eaten so well. Everything should point to Skales forgetting all about power, Fangblades, and the Devourer. But his demeanor was slightly soured by the fact that Pythor wasn't there to join them.

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