Chapter 7: Map to the Fangblades

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Once again, it's time to check out what Skales and Pythor are up to. Now that Pythor's ultimate plan has been revealed, all that's left is to set the plan into action. But if you know the show, then you know there's one little problem they have to solve first.

"It says nothing about where the four Fangblades are hidden," Skales exclaimed as the silence from Pythor started to get unbearable. They had been looking at the mural for nearly an hour, and still, they had managed to gather nothing in terms of further instructions for how to proceed with Pythor's plan.

"Have our ancestors left us nothing?" He asked the Anacondrai with frustration, as his king did nothing but continue to stare at the murals. But still, he remained quiet, as if simply ignoring the Hypnobrai's words.

"Where are they?!" He finally blurted out as he couldn't take the silence any longer. It was Pythor's plan, yet he seemed just as at a loss as the other generals were.

"This, here," Pythor said in an eerily calm manner, as he turned around and slithered towards the round stone table in the middle of the room, still seemingly ignoring Skales.

"This must be a clue." He continued, before finally standing over the table. He then started reading the inscriptions chiseled into the stone.

"When five fangs unite as one, the path toward the Devourer has begun." Pythor read aloud, before looking at Skales to see his reaction.

"Yes, when the five tribes unite. We've done all this. It means nothing!" Skales ranted, before quickly realizing that he might need to keep his voice down.

"If you don't find out soon, the others will begin to ask questions, and soon they will start to think you don't know what you are doing." The Hypnobrai started to explain, with increasing nervousness, as he looked around the room brimming with Serpentine. They had all grouped together into their respective tribes, barely making an effort to associate with the other Serpentine. Except for a skeptical glance and a targeted whisper here and there.

"I know what I'm doing, fool!" Pythor lashed out, making Skales move ever so slightly back as Pythor spoke. Skales could guess that his calm demeanor had been an attempt to keep the situation under control. But as it stood, the Serpentine warriors with them were starting to get restless. Usually, it would have been the perfect time for the other Generals to speak up against Pythor. But they were still sore, figuratively and literally, from the last time they had stood against Pythor. In fact, they seemed almost shocked that Skales was so openly criticizing the Anacondrai.

"I'm trying to unleash the Great Devourer!" He continued, shaking his staff slightly, though he seemed to calm down from his outburst. "Legend spoke of a map showing exactly where the four Fangblades have been buried."

Skales nodded in agreement, but it was more to help keep Pythor calm than anything else.

"There must be something around here. Keep looking!" He demanded as he continued to study the stone table, ever certain that the key to moving forward was right under his nose. He just had to find it.

The Hypnobrai wasn't as easily convinced, and couldn't help but feel embarrassed at the idea of staying any longer in that dusty tomb. If there was anything else that could help them, then they would have found it already.

Skales slithered quietly away from the table, with Acidicus and Pythor staying to see if they could make out anything else from the inscriptions. Fangtom and Skalidor followed him, probably to get out of earshot from their king.

"This is getting ridiculous!" Skalidor exclaimed once he was sure that Pythor couldn't hear him. "My tribe has been stuck here for decades, and now that we have finally been freed, we have been dragged right back again!"

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