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-Kyungwan, it's me.

Joy got out of bed and went to the girl. She hoped not to be rejected and, fortunately, this did not happen. She slowly hugged Jeongyeon to her, and when she confirmed that her daughter would not reject her, she strengthened her embrace. Nayeon let go of Jeongyeon's hand so that she could return her hug.

-We... Weren't you dead?

-No, darling. I am here.

-Why... Why didn't you... Come looking for me?

-I did but... They adopted you. They were giving you what you needed and I... I couldn't reappear out of nowhere in your life. It would have been a shock for you.

-I... I just wanted my... My mom.- Nayeon couldn't watch all that. It hurt her too much but she promised Jeongyeon she would stay for her. At that moment it was up to the American to stay strong. -Why... Why di... Did you... Come to A... America?

-To start a new life again. If I stayed, I probably would have been too weak and would have come to you. I couldn't do it. I had to protect you. I took care of Nayeon, Seoyeon and Tzuyu but there was no day I didn't think of you.

-I'm... I'm glad you... You took care of my... My girlfriend. She's the only I... I'd share you with but... I've been feeling bad thi... Thinking you were dead. I was... I was co... Convinced fo... For all those... Those years that you... That you...

Joy stroked her head. -I am here now, Jeongyeon. I'm here for you. I will stay with you if you want.

-Do... Don't leave me any... More.- Jeongyeon said sobbing.

-I won't, I promise you.- Joy pulled away from Jeongyeon and looked at her. She wiped her tears away and smiled at her with crystalline eyes. -You are just as beautiful as I imagined. I'm so glad you and Nayeon are together. You are perfect for each other. Do you remember what I told you?

-That... That I... I will make ha... Happy my... My partner?

-Exactly. I know Nayeon and she has never been so happy. Tell me something about yourself.

-Now... Now I'm... I'm a photographer.


Nayeon had told everything to Tzuyu and Sana and the two girls were very happy. Sana told all of her friends, who were very grateful to Nayeon.

-Where is she now?- asked Tzuyu.

-She's still with Joy or... Eunji.

-I'm happy for them. Both deserve the best.

-How's the pregnancy going?

-I am not the one to carry it forward. Luckily it's only the first month, so she's not a hysterical nut. Haven't you thought about getting pregnant yet?

-A lot of things are happening in our life.

-Lately I see you gained some weight.

-Yah! Was it really necessary to say it?

-Why don't you take a test?

-I still have my period.

-To some people it doesn't disappear.

-I don't think I'm pregnant.

-But you are more swollen.

-I will go on a diet!

-Okay, calm down. Let's make a bet: if you are pregnant, you buy me a Chanel bag that I saw.

-Deal. If I'm right, on the other hand, buy it for me because I saw it first.

Tzuyu rolled her eyes. -Deal.

-I will let you know.

Nayeon ended the call and, being already in town, went to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test. Back home, she asked her mother about Jeongyeon and she told her that she was still with Joy. She asked her about it and Nayeon explained everything about the two. Jieun did not expect this and began to pester the girl with questions. Nayeon had much more to do, so she deflected her mother's questions and went up to her room. She walked into her bathroom and took the test. She put it on the sink and video called Tzuyu.


-Now I will show you live that you have to buy me that bag.

-Why are you so sure that you are not pregnant?

-Because we haven't been to bed too many times lately.

-Not even me and Sana and she's pregnant anyway.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Seriously, Tzu!

-How much is missing?

-Three minutes.

-Start ordering that bag. I have a sixth sense for these things.

-Since when do you know if someone is pregnant?

-Since I want that bag.- The remaining three minutes passed and Nayeon watched the results under the watchful eyes of Tzuyu. -What did I tell you?

-Are we sure? I try with the second one.

Nayeon did it again and the result was positive again. She called again Tzuyu.

-It's positive again! I'm about to be a mom! Tzu, I'm having a baby! We are going to have a baby! Jeong will be delighted. She always wanted one!

-That's great news! I'll have my bag.-the Taiwanese joked. -When will you tell Jeongyeon?

-Mh... Now she has found her mother again. I will do it when we return to Seoul.

-Fortunately, this is good news. It's all been going too well lately.

-Tzu, don't say that.


-Is that Nayeon?- asked Sana.

-Yes and she will give me a bag.

Sana arrived and greeted Nayeon. -Hello again.

-Hello Sana. How is it being pregnant?

-At the moment I don't feel anything. Why?

-For curiosity.

-Mh... Are you pregnant?


-That's great news! Does Jeong already know about it?

-I'll tell her when we come back to Seoul.

-It's better if you check in the hospital first because, if the tests were to be wrong, she would be upset.

-Yes, I don't want to fool her. When we get back, I'll go to the hospital and then I'll tell her.

-We can accompany you if you want.- said Tzuyu.

-Yes, I'll entrust you to my doctor.- Sana said.

-Thanks girls. What would I do without you and Jeong? I am going now because my mother has several questions on the Joy issue.

-Does my mom already know about this?- asked Tzuyu.

-She went to visit your grandmother but, when she comes back, my mother will surely tell her everything.

-Oh no. Now I will be harassed too.

Will she really be pregnant? And, if so, is the baby Jeongyeon's?

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