chapter one: Shelby's in Birmingham

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RJ sat at the bar in the dark stallion running her hands through her hair frustrated. Bullshit it was such bullshit anyone who knew RJ could tell you without a doubt that she just wouldn't rig the horse races it simply wasn't in her nature.

RJ was brilliant, strategic and cunning however not many people got to see this side of her due to her aggressive nature just a simple nod off her head got people dragged out off there homes in the middle of the night never to be seen again. Well technically that's not true they where seen again just unrecognizable this was incredibly rare though as she never got angry enough to pull a stunt like that.

one thing to note about Rose was that she loathed gossip it held such a High place in one's life that she declared she was above it. Running around with your ear pressed against doors kneeling before someone who happened to hear a piece of information that was off interesting to you.

That is why she listened reluctantly to her brother ramble on about what Katy Morriston got up to on her trip to Birmingham.

''Shelby's in Birmingham''

''I'm sorry wot''

''Katy she met em when she visited Birmingham on tha weekend'' Jonathan huffed out trying to get his breath back

''are you fucking serious its only a three hour train ride''

our mother didn't tell us much about our father before she passed just that he was a good man who she loved very much but he was involved in a dangerous world meaning when she found out she was pregnant she knew she had to run away to keep us safe.

'' I know but what if its them''  Jonathan muttered

my mother was a well spoken women who prided herself on making her children well polite and charming however once she died.  me and my brother spent most our time at the pub Alister owned the that's where we learned our more colorful  language. by the time we turned six we had probably heard every curse word possible.

Allison unfortunately wasn't our God father or our mothers next of kin so he couldn't legally take us in. He had debated handing us in to the kings men but decided against it as he believed the the king was a twat who did nothing but sit
around and look pretty.

If he was at least a bottle off rum down you could  normally persuade  him to show you exactly what he thought the kings job was. this would consists off him spinning around the pub bashing into tables and chairs doing his own recreation of a ''prissy' dance .Allister was one of the only people RJ openly liked not that that was strange as everyone liked the jolly old geezer who ran he dark stallion.

'I'm telling ya RJ she was at this pub called the gar I son or something like that''


''some shit like that yeah                                                                                                                                anyway she told me that someone mentioned the Shelby's and told her to be quite and to  keep her head down,                                                                                                                                                  this group  walked into the room and everyone went silent almost like they were scared she said she started laughing when a women looked towards her demanding to know what the fook she was laughing at''

I moved my chair back slightly as my brother got more animated swinging his arms around wildly trying to get his point across it was obvious to me at least he was tipsy clearly he had already had a drink or two before coming to find me. I smiled slightly my brothers plans with Katy where important to him yet he still came running to tell me the second he considered something to be important. That was why my brother was my right hand stronger then anyone i know and more loyal to me than I am myself. He'd have my back against anyone and anything but would still smack me over the head if he thought i was wrong

''she apologized to her said she knew some Shelby's back home and that funnily enough they held the same respect with people made a joke about it being a gypsy thing surprised she didn't get her head spun off her shoulders'' Jonathan laughed

''that it''

''Far as I know she was acting odd tho''                                                                                                                he sat down next to me and took a swig from my bottle of gin                                                                      ''I think she told them more then she is letting on''                                                                                      he confessed not letting the fact he had feelings for her sway his belief

''probably had a few drinks in her I really doubt she would have said anything on purpose'' I reassured my brother giving him a pat on the back

''whacha wonna do'' he mumbled talking another sip of my drink

''stay put they might forget about it soon plus there could be no relation at all not worth bringing attention to ourselves especially not while the gangs in the place it is an the moment plenty of room for spy's and shit with the new recruits''  I said leaning back and yawning

I looked at my brother for a second falling deep into thought me and Jonathan had been street kids since the day our mother passed stealing lying cheating was the only way we survived we had no choice we had to eat we had gotten pretty good at it over the years meaning we had always been able to evade the coppers.

It was only once Allister realized we were sleeping on the streets did he refuse to listen to our lies of being fine offering his pub for us to sleep at night having a place to lay your head at night was a godsend we did have a warehouse on the outskirts of town that use to belong to some crazy bread maker not sure what his deal was almost blew myself up once I stepped into his office.

i shoved my brother gently ''get outta here don't you have someone to get back too eh?''

he chuckled and stood up his good mood from earlier clearly vanishing slightly

''u sure'' he smirked already putting on his hat

''yes go go ill survive'' motioning my hands for him to leave

he bent down and kissed my forehead

''stay lucky little sister'' he called back as he walked towards the door

''stay on my good side brother'' I replied waving absentmindedly

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