chapter two: what's it to you

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Around 2 hours after Jonathan left RJ was still sitting at the bar debating whether or not to make the long journey to the warehouse for the night. Daniel was in charge for the afternoon allowing Rose to have a well deserved break but it wouldn't hurt to check up on him she decided just to make sure he hadn't got himself killed.

Before she could fully make her mind up the door swung open revealing three men they strutted into the room as if they owned the place which in all honestly aggravated RJ slightly.

Allister gave me a look warning me to keep my mouth shut so naturally I took another sip off my drink

''sir's how good to see you what can I help you with unfortunately we do shut early on Tuesdays but I'm certain  I can sort something out for you'' Alister smiled opening his arms in a welcome gesture while side eyeing me it was obvious these men were up to no good.

''Mr. Brown'' the man in the middle said emotionless his voice sent a chill up my spine putting me on edge.

At this point I kinda wished I hadn't sent my brother away this man screamed danger I might have been brave but I certainly wasn't an idiot. All three men were dressed to the nines shoes polished ,shirts ironed just there body language oozed power and money something no one around here had they were definitely from out off town I listened closely waiting to make at least an educated guess of where. turns out I needn't wait long as the man on his right whistled.

''Nice looking place you got ere eh?''

It wasn't a question nor a compliment you could hear the snarky undertone as the man spoke the guy on the left started to laugh while the middle one did nothing but smirk slightly

Allister's face was blood red he looked down clearly embarrassed as he stuttered 

''wel-l I-- it-s no-tt mu-tch b-ut I--I''  (Well its not much but I)

''Funny cant imagine its much worse than the places your use to at home'' my voice level curious even

Alister looked defeated giving me a look as if to say shut it.

''Birmingham is it the accent sounds  familiar'' I ask almost certain I had gotten in correct by the way the man in the middle raised his eyebrow at me not that you could really mistake that accent for anything but what it was.

''Eh what's it to you'' The man on the right snapped at me

''Nothing nothing just me friend visited recently said it was biggest pig pen she ever did step foot in not to mention the people '' I smiled lightly as irritation flickered over all their faces except the man in the middle. ''of course that just what I was told'' I turned around fully enjoying winding them up more then I should it wasn't very often I got to have some good hearted mischief. placing my hands behind me flat on the bar i smiled at them lightly

The man on the right looked taken back by my attitude for a split second before a grin spread across it he opened his mouth to speak but the man on the left got to it before him.

'' that wouldn't happen to be Katy Moriston would it'' his voice full of hope as realization and dread crashed down on me

''what's it to you'' I repeated the mans words from earlier back to him

The man on the right burst into fits off laugher banging his fists on a near by table 

''I like her can we keep this one Tommy'' the man on the left asked  chuckling along with the other one

'' Now listen here there's no reason for you boys to come walking in here like this and being rude to my paying customer's'' Allister declared finding his voice

I looked down at my drink and back up to him ''I  hope you know I'm not paying for this'' I said  looking at him 

''RJ shut it'' he hissed at me like I was an idiot

I lifted my hands up mumbling ''I'm just making sure were on the same page''

he shot me another look before turning back to Tommy I think the man on the left called  him and the two others ''if its Katy your looking for ill send word but its time for you to leave'' he said a little unsure giving me a look

Tommy the man in the middle walked towards the bar sitting on a seat one away from me leaving a singular gap the other two settling on a table that was next to the door. great  that could definitely cause me some problems.

leaning over the bar tommy started to speak ''you see the thing is Mr. Brown I lost something quite dear to me around 17 years ago and I've been looking for her ever since'' 

he took a puff of his smoke blowing it in Allister's face as he continued

'' Now did you know not three days ago did some whore stumble into my brothers bar calming to know a Shelby says there dating madly in love even that obviously made no sense to me but with a little persuasion this Katy you seem to love so much to the point your standing in my way protecting her told me every thing I need to know'' and for the first time since he walked into the pub a sick smile made its way onto his face

''what kind of persuasion'' I asked looking at him with disgust as I stood up this guy cant be related to me its not possible all eyes turned to me as a stared daggers into the man in front of me

'' relax darling one of our boys simply showed her a good time''  the man who was on Tommy's right earlier declared combing his moustache with his hands as he looked at me

my stomach twisted I honestly couldn't  believe it Jonathan was going to be so hurt I told him I fucking told him that if she was messing about with him behind others backs' she was going to do the same to him why didn't he ever listen.

''Alright now lass you go on and get home its not safe for a kid like yourself to be out this late and  if you bump into Katy you tell her to get herself down here if she knows what's good for her'' I nodded swiftly mumbling a thanks as I walked out the door before sprinting in the direction of Katy's place I hadn't gotten very far when I heard a gun go  off behind me

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