The starting

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Arggh Savanna groaned as she got up from her bed, Savanna was an 14 year girl ready to start her Pokemon journey AN: (Pokemon trainers in Hoenn start at 14 years old).

Savanna ran down and saw her Mom cooking and they had breakfast and Savanna's Mom gave her an necklace with an Locket to hold her and her partner's picture,

but she doesn't know that she's getting an different Pokemon that isn't the Hoenn starters.

So she waved bye to her Mom and ran out and closed the door.

Savanna's POV.

I was running to the Professor Birch's lab. I knew the Professor since I was an little girl and I always loved Pokemon, I always helped him in his fieldwork etc.

So I made it to the lab and saw an Boy and a girl with an Pikachu lying on an bed.

The Professor turned around and said Savanna! You here for your first Pokemon?!

I nodded and The boy said Your first Pokemon!

I nodded and The professor went and took four Pokeballs and put them on the table and said here's the first one.

The professor took the first Pokeball that was lying on the table and opened it and out came an Treecko.

The Treecko looked at the girl and she backed away and said he's creepy.

The boy says he isn't creepy at all May.

Then the Boy asks Hey Professor is he a water type?

I sighed and sweat dropped.

The Professor: no this is an water type.

He took the second Pokeball and let it out and an Mudkip came out.

I looked at it and the Mudkip looked at me and shot an water gun then I dodged it.

May: That Mudkip didn't do anything I asked it to do.

The Boy: This little guy isn't going to cause any trouble at all.

The Professor gets out the last one.

It was an Torchic it looked at May and walked over to her and started nuzzling her.

May picked it up and said, I am choosing this one.

A couple of minutes later.

The Professor: Savanna, you ready for your Pokemon?

I nodded and grabbed the Pokeball from the table.

I looked at it and looked at the Professor and he nodded and I threw the Pokeball and out came a very powerful Charmander.

I was shocked, Charizard was one of my favorite Pokemon as a little girl, Most people my parents knew had Charizards and they did too.

The Professor: I caught that Charmander a couple of months ago and for some reason, she keeps running away from trainers or she doesn't listen to them.

I looked at Charmander and said, look, I promise you will become the most powerful Charizard in the world!

Charmander smiled and nodded.

Savanna's POV.

Hey Ash and May?

They both looked at me.

I said, I was wondering if I could travel with you guys?

Ash: Sure!

May nodded as well.

The Professor: That's a great idea! You can all look out for each other!

All of us nodded and walked off.

AN: Ash and May told Savanna their names Btw, anyways, About time I remade this, The old one was crap, don't read it please... Anyways, I hope you enjoy part one of my journey through the Hoenn region! Remake!

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