Part 74: Numb.

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After the group met Tyson, Savanna's childhood friend, they headed towards the Next Pokecenter and Savanna was lying on the bed, it was night time and she couldn't sleep.

So she got up and walked outside, after putting her shoes on and she started walking around.

A couple of minutes later, Savanna found a lake and sat down.

Savanna looked at the dark lit sky and smiled, as the stars sparkled but then she looked back down, as the memories appeared through her head.


"Such a disappointment" said the teacher as she saw Savanna cry again from being bullied, May and Tyson watched.

Another flashback.

"Your useless! You can't do anything right! Because all you do is cry!" Another teacher of Savanna's said.

Young Savanna shook and said "I-i'm s-sorry!"  Savanna backed up into a wall as Tyson walked over and stood in front of her.

"Leave her alone! We are humans! Not robots!" Tyson said and the teacher growled.

"So your defending this little useless piece of shit?" The teacher asked.

Flashbacks ended.

Savanna started bawling in tears, she couldn't take it, she hid her emotions for so long, no way to release them..... The tears hit the ground like a waterfall as Savanna just cried out all her hidden emotions. 

Her childhood was hard for her, being a semi child star didn't help either. No one was here... It was just Savanna and her emotions... 

Her emotions that broke the straw on the camel's back, she felt so much anger and rage, knowing no one would listen at the time...

She felt Numb, so numb..... But it was a good kind of Numb.

The Numb where she couldn't feel anyone there.

A/N: Read and review please! 

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