Part 68: Team Magma and aqua arc part one

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Our heroes were on a boat to Mossdeep and it started raining suddenly.

"The fuck?!" Savanna said looking around as her Pichu did too.

"It was totally fine before! When happened!?!" Ash said as the boat started rocking back and forth.

"Everyone hang on!" Savanna said hanging on the railing of the boat, everyone did too.

The boat made it to Mossdeep and everyone got off.

"Guys!" Savanna and the group turned around and saw Savanna's father running up to them.

"Dad what is going on?!" Savanna asked and her father gulped.

"Team Magma and Aqua have released Kyogre and Groudon!" Savanna's father said and Savanna's eyes widen.

Then it turned sunny again and then it rained, then Savanna's Type Null came out of it's ball and growled.

"It's okay buddy...." Savanna said petting Type Null.

Then Kyogre jumped out of the water powering up a hyper beam, then Savanna's Father got out his Charizard who used Flamethrower, stopping the hyper beam.

Groudon than shot off a hyper beam, hitting Kyogre, sending it back.

But Savanna pointed.

"There's two ugly looking men!" Savanna said as her father looked at the two men.

"Archie and Maxie..." Savanna's father growled.

"Who are they Dad?" Savanna asked.

"The leaders of Team Magma and Team aqua." Savanna's father replied.

"Pichu, Thunder wave!" Savanna pointed towards Kyogre and Pichu nodded and jumped off of Savanna's shoulder and shot off the thunder wave, stopping the Kyogre. 

"Guys... Let's bring out our Pokemon and try stopping it!" Savanna said as everyone nodded and threw out their Pokeballs and all their Pokemon came out.

"I am good with Charizard" Savanna's father said and Savanna smiled and nodded.

Everyone's Pokemon started attacking and Savanna's Pichu jumped off of Savanna's shoulder and then Groudon walked over and then grabbed Savanna and threw her into the water.

"SAVANNA!"Her father yelled and he ran over to the edge and then Groudon fired off a solar beam which Savanna's father dodged.

Savanna's Type Null and Pichu growled.

Pichu started running.

"Pichu what do you think your doing?!" Ritchie yelled as Pichu nodded her head no and kept running.

Then she started glowing.

"It's evolving..." Ash said as Pichu jumped in the water.

Savanna's Type Null growled as a bunch of grunts ran in front of it, they got out their Mightyenas.

A/N: Umm... Sorry if it's all over the place... So um yeah read and review! 

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