Part 67: Battle spirit.

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A/N: Note May had won two ribbons.

Our heroes were sitting in a Pokemon center, eating. 

Then a boy walked over blushing towards Savanna who tilted her head.

"I-i heard about you from Winona and I was wondering i-if you wanted a battle?"

Savanna thought about it.

"Eh sure why not.." Savanna said as she got up and walked off, her friends followed and then the boy followed.

A couple of minutes later.

Savanna's Pichu was standing in front of Savanna, smirking and the trainer had a Pidgeotto out.

"Pichu, Thunderbolt!" Savanna commanded and Pichu fired off a bolt of electricity, shocking the Pidgeotto, knocking it out, the trainer returned it and ran off and Savanna knelt down and high fived Pichu.

"Pff... That Pichu is still weak anyway." Someone said as Savanna got up and Pichu climbed onto Savanna's shoulder and growled.

"Josh...." Savanna said growling.

"It's me the strong male! much better than a female!" Josh scoffed and Savanna glared.

"Let's have a five on five!" Savanna said as Josh smirked and nodded and got onto his side of the battlefield.

"Go!" Savanna and Josh said as they both threw a PokeBall.

Out came a Eletrike for Josh, and a Larion for Savanna.

"I see that Aron evolved. That still isn't going to help you." Josh said and Larion glared.

"Eletrike, Bite!" Josh commanded as Eletrike ran and was ready to bite Larion. 

"Rock slide!" Savanna commanded as Larion roared and fired off rocks, hitting Eletrike.

"Thunderbolt!" Josh commanded and Eletrike shot off a bolt of electricity, hitting Larion.

"Weak...." Savanna muttered. "Larion show him a real move.... Rock slide..." Savanna said coldly as Larion shot off rocks, hitting Eletrike, knocking it out.

Josh growled and returned it and got out his Zangoose.

"Brick break!" Josh commanded and Zangoose ran and his claw started glowing and he punched Larion, sending it back.

"Tackle it." Savanna commanded coldly again and Larion ran and tackled Zangoose in the stomach, sending it back.

"Brick break!" Josh commanded and Zangoose's claw glowed again and he hit Larion with the brick break, knocking it out, Savanna returned it and brought out Marshtomp.

"That puny Mudkip evolved too." Josh scoffed and Savanna growled and Marshtomp glared. "Sword dance into a slash" Zangoose used Sword dance and then his claw started glowing and he ran and slashed Marshtomp.

"Mud shot." Savanna commanded coldly and Marshtomp shot off the Mud shot, hitting Zangoose lowering it's speed.

"Sword dance and then another slash!" Josh commanded, Zangoose used the same Combo and he ran towards Marshtomp.

"Ice beam!" Savanna commanded and Marshtomp shot off the ice beam, hitting Zangoose, freezing it.

"Shit get out of there and use slash!" Josh growled and the ice glowed, and began to crack Until finally breaking.

Zangoose than ran and slashed Marshtomp, sending it back, causing it to fall on one knee.

"Iron tail!" Savanna commanded and Marshtomp jumped and her tail started glowing a metallic color and she hit Zangoose, knocking it out and Marshtomp landed on the ground and Josh returned his Zangoose and got out his Grovyle.

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