23. Jealousy

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Asher's POV

" So Mr.Parker just inform Mr. Black that the deal is finalized. " He said.
" Sure. Mr.Romans, Happy to meet you once again." I said as I looked at my watch. It was 6:30pm. Jeff has taken Natalie on a date. So here I'm stuck with his work.

Soon Mr.Romans left, I took my phone and called Sophia.
" Hello Asher "
" Yeah. I'm done with the meeting. When will you come? "
" Oh I'm already on my way. 10 minutes"
" Ok. I'll wait "
" Bye "

I was waiting for her while sipping my coffee and going through my phone. I had mails piled up. After few minutes, Sophia entered the cubicle.

" Hey .. Thank you for waiting " she said taking her seat next to mine.
Before I could reply her, the waitress knocked the door.

" Welcome Ms. Campbell, what would you like to have ? " She asked once she entered inside.

" One Vanilla Latte " Sophia didn't even bother to look at her.

" And anything else for you Mr.Parker" she asked me batting her eyelashes.

" No thank you. " I said. Sophia just rolled her eyes looking at her phone.

" Uhmm.. Mr.Parker.. " The waitress was about to say something, but soon Sophia cut her and spoke to her while still going through her phone. " Leave now, if you don't want to loose your job. And ask someone else to bring my latte."

The waitress left the room immediately and I looked at Sophia with an eyebrow raised.
" What !! I didn't like her Perfume smell " she said again going back to scrolling through her phone.

" Is something bothering you? Tell me. " I asked her.I know Sophie. She acts like this to cover her anxiety . She looked away from her phone. "Ryan is coming home." That's all she could say.

Ryan Campbell - 25 years old

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Ryan Campbell - 25 years old. Twin Brother of Sophia Campbell

When Mr and Mrs Campbell got divorced, Sophia grew up with her mother in Paris whereas Ryan lived with his father in Newyork. At the age of 16 they lost their mom due to cancer. Mrs Campbell was a very good friend of my mother. So my mom came forward to raise Sophia. But the offer was rejected by Mr Campbell. Sophia moved in with her dad. Ryan used to be my junior in high school. He used to play football and hang out with some senior guys. That's how I know him. Soon things got rough for him. He got addicted to drinks and drugs, even got expelled from the school. Even heard his father was abusive towards him.Soon he was no where to be seen. After few years, I heard it from Sophia that he lives in London.

" Ryan is coming ? Why are you bothered by it. It's a good thing right? " I asked Sophia. She shook her head.

" Something is not right Asher. He doesn't come to New York without a purpose. "

" Or may be he missed Home " I said .
She let out a chuckle and said " Ryan never likes home. He even missed mom's 10th anniversary. He spoke to me only few times in past 10 years."

" Come on Soph.. He is your twin. May be he changed himself for good. "

" Yeah.. Okay .. let's take a photo.. I need a proof to show my dad that I met you. " She said exhausted. She usually does that on our so called 'Date'.

" When are you going to put an end to this Soph ? He can't compel you like this. You never allow me to speak to him on your behalf. I can talk to him about this " Her father always push her to spend time with me. Even though she doesn't like me romantically, she just follows whatever he says. It's getting on my nerves now.

" Soon.. Very Soon.. I'm just looking for a perfect timing." She said while looking at her phone again.

" Fine I'm leaving now. How about you? " I asked Her. She said she will be leaving soon. I got out from the cubicle.

While going to my car, something caught me off guard. Two people hugging each other in car parking. The guy was wearing a mask so I couldn't see his face. The girl was none other than Ziva.My Ziva. She had a smile on her face when he whispered something in her ears. I clenched my fist. I moved towards them.

' What the fuck, who is he to make her smile like that. Who is he to hold my girl like that ' I felt a pain in my chest. What? Am I feeling jealous. What is happening to me. I never had this feeling in my life before.

' I should be the one to hold her, cherish her and make her smile. She is mine. '

' She said she is going to meet someone right? So he is the one. May be her friend. Wait a minute.
Is that Jaden? ' my mind reminded me. Ok that's it. I'm going to kill that guy whomever he is.

Soon that guy said something by winking at her. She stood there as the car left. I went and stood behind her. I cleared my throat to get her attention. She turned towards me and blinked as if I have grown two horns.

" Hazi..How.. I mean what are you doing here? " I'm happy that she called me Hazi. But still I couldn't ignore the jealous pain in my heart. Then I did one thing that felt right. I pulled her towards my chest and hugged her. My pain got eased.

' Yes ..I hugged her.. I couldn't resist her anymore. She is mine. '

" Please. I need this. " I whispered in her ears while hugging her even more closely. She was taken aback by my sudden behaviour. But she didn't budge. Soon I felt her hands behind my back clutching my shirt tightly. That moment I know I'm falling for her.

' My Jealousy, let me know that I'm in love'

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