2 - caught

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The four turtles found their way to a backroom area of the building, looking like an abandoned warehouse. They perched atop a balcony, looking down at their friend Meatsweats as he hummed a tune, putting together a meal of sorts. Mikey couldn't help but let out a silent squeal. "Ooh, I wonder what he's making! I wonder- wait, let me see..."
  Donnie ignored his younger brother obsessing over his idol who had  been mutated, barely listening to his query on what the pig chef was cooking. Instead, he focused on a way to get down there and see what the pig had planned. Raph stood, punching his fist onto his palm.

"Alright boys. Here's the plan."

"We make some pork sliders, baby!" Leo announced as if he were finishing Raph's sentence. The leader barely had time to stop Leo before the turtle had leapt into action, reaching for his swords before he realized they didn't bring their weapons.
Leonardo gasped, trying to swim through the air away from Meatsweats as the turtles had been now noticed. The chef let out a chuckle. "Well, well, well. Look what the turtles dragged in." He spoke in a sinister tone as always, slowly turning to face the turtles.
Well, there goes Donnie's plan of sneaking in.
  Donnie stared down as Meatsweats and his brother broke into a cat and mouse chase sequence, zoning out a little. The voice and feeling were back. The ones he felt this morning and pushed to the back of his brain. He tried to do the same yet again, but it wasn't working. Something didn't feel right.

"DONNIE!" The softshell snapped out of his trance, looking down as now all his brothers were fleeing the pig. With the porky individual out of the way, Donnie could now see clearly what the chef was making. It want pretty. He gagged a little at the still alive mutant silverfish squirming in the substance. "Yup. He's cooking something."

"THAT DOESN'T MATTER! MOVE!" Mikey screamed with fear, dashing past Donnie. It was then that the turtle realized Meatsweats was now clambering up to where he was, gasping. Donnie stood and turned, running as fast as he could. Meatsweats had broken the building trying to tenderize his siblings however, and it was now on the route to crumbletown. Donnie stubbed his toe, grimacing and hopping for the exit. He coughed. He couldn't see. There was a sickly smell in the air, he felt a presence behind him.
"No... wait.." he managed to squeak out before collapsing on the ground, breathing slowing.

Then it went black.

Leo fell to the floor outside, catching his breath. They had exited out the side of the building and into an alleyway as to not be seen. The slider wiped his forehead, standing. "That sure was a pickle." He joked, but nobody seemed to get it. Raph shook his head.

"What were you thinking?? You nearly got us killed!"

"Uh, emphasis on the nearly."

"LEO! We could've been stew!"

"We could've had some tasty pork!"

"Ugh, Leo! You need to start taking things more seriously, we could've DIED!-"

"COULD'VE. Everyone's here, aren't they? Exactly, proves my point." Everyone went silent as they realized their purple brother was no longer with them. "Oh, shoot-"
Raph leaned against the alley wall. "He's still in there."

"Then what are we waiting for? Come on, let's go save him!" Mikey went to charge back inside but was pulled back by Raph. Just as he was trying to get free, they all heard a loud crack and crumble as the building caved in on itself.
Leo stared in shock. "Donnie..."

The sound of the building tumbling down above the basement is what awoke the turtle. He gasped, trying to sit up but failing. "What the..." he looked down at his body, gasping when he saw he was chained to a white table. He squirmed but to no use. He was stuck.
Donnie heard a sinister laugh, looking around but struggling to see. It was a pain to move in any way.
  Meatsweats appeared, looming over Donnies body. He felt a wave of shock and fear rush through him. "Me-Meatsweats..." he mumbled, clearly afraid. He tried to escape once more, but he was just tired himself out.

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