6 - calm

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Donnie's breath caught in his throat. Everything flashed before his eyes and he dug his face into his older brother. He repeated the same word over and over, thoughts swirling around his head like a tornado. His ears muted any sound around him, muffling his brothers and April trying to get him to look at them. He felt sick. So, so sick from seeing even a glimpse of that stupid, stupid chef. Donnie gripped his brother tight, sucking in quick, sharp breaths. Tears streamed down his face, falling to the concrete fast. "No, no no no no. Please, not again. I can't-" Donnie didn't quite sob, but he was stuck in a panicked state. What if he wasn't strong enough to get away this time? What if his brothers left him to die at Meatsweats' hand? He couldn't relive that event. He couldn't. He couldn't.

"DONNIE!" Raph tried pulling away from his brother, but to no use. He wrapped his arms around Donnie, unsure of what to do. His little brother was sobbing and speaking into his torso, hyperventilating.
"April, you should've told us not to bring him!" Leo turned to April, face full of mixed emotions.

April threw her hands up in defense. "Don't blame me for this! I assumed you would've taken him back to the lair!"

"Well, you could've dropped a hint to tell us that!"

"It's not my fault you decided to drag him out here knowing he'd probably run away again! I indicated I was spying on someone, why would you think I wanted Donnie to come??"


"GUYS! STOP!" Mikey shouted, pushing between April and Leo, looking between the two. "Fighting isn't going to fix this! I'll take Donnie back home, you three stay here. Please."
Leo and April glared at each other before agreeing, all of them helping to try separate Donnie from Raph.

His ears were ringing. He couldn't hear, but he knew everyone was probably judging him. Stupid... He could hear them barely, were they arguing? Oh, who cares. They're probably shouting at him. They can't stand him anymore, can they.
Hands gripped Donnie and he got major flashbacks. He could feel the chains wrapping around him like venomous snakes, only the venom was provided by whomever bounded Donnie to the cold, cold chains. It was so cold. The hands tugged at him, clearly trying to pull him away. "No..." His eyes shot open. "I won't let you take me AGAIN!"
The softshell swung around and gave Leo a good punch to the face. He was blinded by his panic. Without his tech-bo, he felt... vulnerable. His arm was suddenly in the warm grasp of a big hand. Not that big hand. Please no.
Donnie yanked his hand free, his breathing making high-pitched squeaky and scratchy noises. He stumbled backwards, hitting the wall. He looked at the blurry figures of his brothers and April, fading in and out of solid form. The turtle braced himself against the wall, placing a hand over his mouth. The world was spinning faster than he could manage and he felt his stomach churn.

"Donnie.." Mikey stepped forward, reaching a hand out to his brother. April reached out and pulled the box turtle back just before Donnie began to wretch. He vomited up the pizza he previously ate and a whole bunch of bile and air. He stumbled away from the puddle of his stomach's liquids, falling to the floor not to far from it. The softshell hit the ground with a firm thud and Mikey rushed to his side, poking at his face. "DONNIE? Don, look at me!" he prodded his brother, but to no response. He was knocked out cold.
Raph stared in shock, Leo was trying not to hurl, himself, hands over his mouth and cheek where Donnie hit him. The two watched as Donnie laid on the floor, unconscious with his little brother trying to wake him up in a panic.

"Mikey-" Raph started, but was interrupted by the sounds of loud banging and clashing. Everyone turned around to the noises and saw Meatsweats across the street with a toothy grin on his face, staring straight at them.
"Now, what do we have here? Me favorite turtle-y pals..." His voice was sinister and crooked, the words he spoke twisting like roots of a dead tree.

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