8 - FAIL! womp wooomp

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"Nardo, you dumb dumb! You ruined our cupcakes! Oh my god." Donnie held back the same laughter Raph had burst into, scolding Leo for his mistake.

"What?? It's not my fault! Splinter just has a weird kitchen!!" Leo argued.

"Do not insult my kitchen!" They heard the familiar voice of their rat dad calling out from wherever he was nearby, Leo groaning.
  "Mikey, listen, I.." he turned to his younger brother, who was staring at him with a look of calm. Almost too calm. Leo cleared his throat and clasped his hands together. "Mikey, I am truly very sorry for ruining the food. I didn't mean to, want to, or... mean to,"

"You said 'mean to' twice." Donnie pointed out, arms crossed. Leo shot him a glare and took a deep breath. The slider turned back to Mikey.
  "As I was saying..." he took a deep breath and prepared his crocodile tears. "Mikey, dearest brother of mine, I sincer-"
  Mikey cut him off by flinging icing at his brother, to which the slider licked it off and hummed in delight. "That's some dang good icing!"

"Yeah, well too bad we dont have the cupcakes to put it on." Mikey stated, tapping a finger against his crossed arms. Leo smiled apologetically, rubbing his neck before Raph slapped him out of the way.
  "Uh, well... can we just make more?"

"Hmm, let's see..." Mikey glared at Leo, turning and throwing open cabinets in the kitchen. "Anything in here? No, no, no... ah! Wait, nevermind."
He spun around after throwing open every cabinet door and tossing randomly selected contents from them behind him, almost every one hitting Leo, with a neutral expression on his face. The box turtle crossed his arms. "Donatello, analysis."

  Donnie furrowed a brow and raised his wrist, tapping in a quick sequence of digits into it. "Sigh. Well, according to my calculations here..." he looked around at his brothers before continuing, "there seems to be a lack of ingredients to bake any more vanilla cupcakes to go with said 'dang good icing'." Donnie straightened as Raph and Leo groaned and complained, Mikey standing there with a look of defeat on his face.
  "Man, I really wanted those cupcakes. Now my tum-tum's grumbling and groaning!" Mikey said, taking off his chef hat. Donnie frowned slightly, looking down. He thought to himself silently, attempting to think of a solution for this. The softshell listened absentmindedly to his brothers as they began to argue over the situation, Leo being thrown under the bus. Usually, Donnie would chime in with some witty insult, but he felt bad enough for Mikey, and he'd probably feel worse for Leo if he said anything or looked up.

  Out of nowhere, all 4 boy's phones dinged and they all whipped them out, seeing the text from April.

the fam!!🐢💁‍♀️

hey guys! I'm at town right now
going on an errand run, yall want anything?

Donnie read the text fast and immediately got an idea. "LIGHTBULB!" He exclaimed, throwing his phone into the air unintentionally. He looked around at his brothers who were now staring at him, concerned. A mechanical arm shot out from his purple shell, catching his phone. Donnie lowered his arms and cleared his throat. "April says that she's in town doing errands. What if we just ask her to run by a store and grab us some of the needed ingredients for our cupcakes?"
  His brothers exchanged looks and shot him a nod and thumbs up. Donnie grabbed his phone and typed back a response.


Great, we need stuff for making
cupcakes, since Leo ruined our first batch.
Can you do that?

sure thing! uh, what flavor was that?

  "Guys, she's asking what flavor," Donnie said, looking up from his phone screen. Raph looked at the others. "Oh, wait, nevermind. She said she'll just get chocolate."

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