1. Real life.

973 15 2

January 2022

     Daniëlle flexes her fingers, staring up at the dutch centerparcs entrance.

     The last time she had been here was when she was around ten years old. It had been with her family, that had split up not too long before that.

     She can't even begin to imagine what her family is like now, it doesn't matter much to her anyways. A couple of years ago she parted from that lifestyle.

     She has been feeling rather conflicted about this place since, nervous about what feelings it would bring up. No matter what had happened, the feelings of sorrow and remorse had always been rather a prominent factor in her life.

     "You ready?" Her friend asks, Margaret.

Daniëlle turns to her friend, who is sitting in the backseat of their other friend, Raymond's car. Who is the designated driver, mostly since his car is the biggest of all of them.

As much as she would like to say that she's fine, the memories of her family is still fresh in her mind and the fights that happened.

She shrugs. "I hope so."

Her friend, Raymond, places a hand on her knee. Even though she knows it's suppose to be comforting, it's unfortunately far from it. She doesn't know what to do with comfort or people trying to provide it.

"It will be fine, we'll have fun." He says, petting her knee before he drives in the direction of their little house for the week.

She remembers this place as conflicting, it was always happy and fun days but for some reason, it would end the days in warzones and shouting. She doesn't know what to feel about this place, how to act towards these things.

     Her head is leaning against the window while watching the houses pass by, watching the numbers go up and up and up. A couple of buzzes from her phone has her temporally distracted.

     50,089 people liked your post.

     She hates this side of her life, from one famous life, she had gone to another. If music, singing, guitar, piano and drums wasn't her passion, she wouldn't have been famous. Or at least, a little more known than the ordinary person.

     She goes to her instagram notifications, seeing that a couple of names have popped up a few times and she recognises them by now.

     @landonorris liked your post.

     That's one of the many that has been liking her posts the most. She has no idea who he is at all, she doesn't care either. She likes that she has dedicated fans and all but she doesn't know them. 

     There are a couple of more accounts she recognises at this point.

     "We're here." She hears Raymond say, pulling her out of her thoughts.

     She looks up at the cabin they're staying in, 666. The devil's number, nice, she thinks. She snickers softly.

"We're staying in the devil's vacation house." Daniëlle says, already snickering.

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