7: real life.

336 12 0

January 2022

The door to one of the drivers centreparcs cabins opens. In comes the blonde singer, striding in her high fur stuffed black winter boots. A thick winter coat and black cargo pants.

The twelve of them are seated on the kitchen chairs and couches surrounding the television. They all look up at the grin as they see a grin spread on her lips. Max knows that something is to come, she's come up with something dumb.

"Wipe that grin off your face, draak." Max tells his younger sister, he still needs to talk about his conversation with his family to her.

Daniëlle grins wider, shrugging her shoulders. "I just thought of something brilliant."

"Nothing you come up with is brilliant." Mari says from the hallway door, Ray behind her.

Max looks at the two friends, he doesn't know if he should feel offended that they just insulted his sister or if this is meant as a joke. He's met these people only two days ago.

But Daniëlle drops on the couch between Carlos and Lando, it's a tight squeeze but neither seem bothered by it. Her grin not faltering, it only seems to become slightly mischievous like Max remembers when she got ideas, most of the time he wasn't sure if he liked them.

"It's the perfect idea." Daniëlle says, folding her arms over her chest. Seeming to challenge her friend to disagree with her. "Why wouldn't minigolf not be a food idea?"

"Because it's winter." Mari replies.

"That's your brilliant idea? Minigolf in the cold?" Max asks his sister.

Daniëlle shrugs her shoulders. "You say it as if we hadn't done it before in our lives."

"And I regretted them every time."

"Sure, Max." Daniëlle says, her mood souring with the conversation. "You always seemed excited as a kid. When Vicky came up with minigolf in the winter, it was always the most brilliant idea."

"We were kids back then, that was different."

"Was it?" Daniëlle says, leaning forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "I remember that every activity i came up with was brushed off or ignored."

"That was not true." Max denies.

"Oh fuck off, Max. You know it just as much as i." She gets up on her feet again. "If anyone is looking for me. I'm playing minigolf on my own."

Daniëlle heads to the door. "So it would be a bad moment to say that mom and dad want contact with you? They miss you."

The singer spins on her heel faster than Max thought she could. Sending him the most angry glare he had seen her muster in her life. She had never been an angry person, she had never even directed any displeasure with him before.

"Yes, it would." Daniëlle mutters annoyed. "Because a want to see me doesn't wash away the years of neglect!"

"Do you have any idea how mom and dad felt when they realised you were missing and that there wasn't a likely chance for you to be even alive? Do you know what kind of terror that is?" Max seems to press on the matter.

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