Chapter 3

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Menma pov
After our spar we went to a room to discuss what this is about the room that we we're sitting in is a spacious room with two couches and a table in the middle u can tell that it is made form discussing only so when the tea and snacks came we started talking
"So can I know why u want to get engaged?"
"Well since I am a noble woman I don't have much freedom. U see my parents are worried that I won't get married and so are forcing me to stay in here until I do so"
"Which means that with me now u will be able to go and help the slaves in the dark and also practice more"
" indeed"
*sigh* " u know what sure let's do it"
"What u changed ur mind"
"No I just expected u to deny it more"
"I don't have a reason for it with this I am also benefiting"
"How so?"
"Well first with the protection from ur family I can finally do better mage training add to it the freedom. Ahh I can already see my life being better."
"I see so this is a marriage of convenience"
"That it is"
"So to the official matters when do we tell the world"
"I say we make it seem like we got close them engaged since if we didn't do it that way the powerful nobles will notice"
"Makes sense but can u find a manor closer to us it would be annoying to send a letter then wait 2 weeks for a reply"
"U know I am an illegitimate child but I'll try to ask that shithead for a place closer"
" what's so funny"
"Ha I would have never dreamt of someone calling the arc duke a shithead without any fear"
"Ha just don't tell my
Mother I seared and we are good"
"Oh ok then I'll let loose and be myself with u"
"Good then since I've been here for hours I'll be going back"
" no I don't think u will"
"Why not?"
"It's late at night I won't let my guests leave at this time. Plus I think ur mother and mine are getting along"
"What makes u say that"
"Well it's been a day and they have not asked about us"
"Fair enough but for it to work you'll need to convince my mother to let us stay"
"Well I think I can do that"
She said with a smug smile as she started going in the direction of where they are.
What is she trying to do is all I thought to my self before I followed her and what she did can only be done by a devil
Caroline pov
As we kept talking I realized how long it's been so I said
"Well it looks like it's getting late me and Menma should start to head back"
" what no I can't it's to late stay here for the night"
"No no it's ok"
Then the door slammed open and her daughter said
"Miss Caroline please stay the night I want to spend more time with my first love"
Menma pov
What the hell are u doing is all I screamed than my mom looked at me smirked then said
"Of course if that's the reason then we will stay the night how about Menma stays with u"
What the hell why are u digging the hole deeper u stupid mother.

Emily pov (Nari's mother)
It was quiet the sight to see someone finally accepted my daughter and the mother doesn't mind plus there a fun family chaos unfolds but the fun kind and with the final push to force the boy to stay I said
"U should Definitely tend to ur future wife she was dazed and not focused all the time thing about you"
My daughter then blushed and became crimson red and for the first time ever she was happy that she found someone who understands her.
Nari's pov I can't believe she told her about how unfocused I was and she made it seem like I like him I mean I don't dislike him he's nice and quite handsome with his occasionally cute moments wait what am I saying ahhh this is her fault that I have such thoughts I swear she always makes everything more embarrassing I just hope he didn't take it seriously even though I am crimson in color right now let's hope for the best I guess
Time skip a few hours later
Menam pov
As I was walking to Nari's room because my mother insisted that I stay the night with her as did her mother I was thinking about what they said earlier that Nari was unfocused and so on I would not mind it but for some reason she blushed a crimson color that made me question if angels could blush she was just a complete beauty with her child like attitude which is quit cu- what the hell is wrong with me don't dig ur self in a hole ur only marrying because it is beneficial for both of u as I knocked on the door I heard her say come in and when I did I was stunned with her black hair swaying because of the wind from the window while wearing a sleeping gown and had a pillow cover most of her face but her dazzling ocean blue eyes that seem to sparkle plus the moonlight that seemed to enhance the sight as it reflected from her hair and made her eyes sparkle even more it was a celestial sight and as I thought that I felt my cheeks heat up and holy fuck she was beautiful.
Nari's pov
As he walked in I could see his built figure since he was wearing quite the tight cloths that were given by the servant while he came in he stood and stared at me while I did the same his sliver hair swaying because of the wind and his amethyst purple eyes shining all while enhanced by the moonlight a god of beauty was there.with my face heating up his did to and all we did for a couple of minutes was stare at each other in silence a comfortable silence
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