Chapter 5

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Menma pov
The sun shone on my eyes as it started to rise waking me up and when I opened my eyes I took a look at the unfamiliar place and then realized that I am still in Nari's room and bed and when I looked to my side I saw her lying there peacefully which made me relaxed then when I saw her she was wearing a thin night gown that was slipping off her shoulder with her hair shining from the soon and her chest raising and falling in a rhythm pattern the sight was quite godly and when I realized what I was looking at I felt the heat rising I'm my face which made me quickly scramble somewhere and cover her with a sheet now after doing that I thought about last night that incident that happened must have something deeper and darker then the summary I gave I mean just attacking without killing would scare a child but not to the point of having that much fear from it by now while thinking about I heard a knock and a servant saying
"Young master and my lady are u up"
I recognized the voice as that of a butler three I replied
"I'm up but Nari's still asleep u should let her sleep a little more when she wakes up I'll take her to breakfast"
"May I know the reason that she was tired"
The butler asked in a worried voice what a nice family they have here
"Well u know a storm was going on yesterday with lightning"
After saying that the butler probably remembered how his master fears lighting and said
"Then do please take care of her"
"That's what I'm planning on"
"Then I'll take my leave"
After he left I began trying to piece everything and I came up with a few possible reason either a servant she was close with had something happen to them or a friend suffered a bad fate because of it who knows I might be completely wrong all I hope is that I can help her get over it
Timeskip a few hours
Nari's pov
As I started to wake up with the sun in my eyes I saw Menma sitting on the chair in my room with a book the breeze making his hair say the button shirt opened from the top letting u see a bit of his will built body and his amethyst eyes seemingly shinning even though the light does not reach them as I was staring he looked up and saw me then he smiled a smile filled with kindness and said "good morning princess" even though he looked composed I could see the worry in his eyes probably because of what happened yesterday
"Good morning to u to and don't worry I'm already feeling better thank u for helping me"
"It's not a big deal as I said we're friends"
Menam pov
Good it looks like she doesn't remember me holding her hand while sleeping it would have been to embarrassing cutting my line of thought I said
"We should head to breakfast their probably worried for u"
She looked at me confused while tilting her head and I could swear to god I could see a question mark forming above her head then she asked me
"Why would they be worried about me?"
"It's 10am u know I bet u wake up early and they know it was stormy last night so"
"Well u looked like u we're enjoying the sleep and well after how u opened up yesterday I would assume I needed rest"
"W-well I guess ur right what ever let's just hurry up"
She then jumped of the bed and i chuckled as I stood up to leave the room when I heard her say
"T-thank you for yesterday I really appreciate it"
"No problem I'm always open if u have to much bottled up again"
I replied as I walked off waving my hand
Small time skip cause I'm lazy
Menma's pov as I walked towards the table I hear all kind of chatter and when I entered they looked at me worried which then I said
"Don't worry she's just changing and being happy with life"
As I said that all the servants and the mother and father sighed in relief they really care about her hell they didn't start to eat yet so I went and sat near my mother and after a few mins of chatting together she came dressed in training wear which made my mother say
"Honey at least try to wear dresses so u can impress ur love"
I chuckled as I saw Nari turn red and to make it easier I said
"I don't mind to me I think she looks better with those then with dresses"
Then the mother looked at me in surprise and said
"Oh my looks like u struck diamonds and not gold here honey"
Which resulted in well a flustered Nari looking down walking to her chair then pouting angrily at her mother which resulted in laughter from me and so breakfast started and was quit the experience with so many people as we cracked jokes teased and the adults told about their embarrassing moments
"U know there's this one time where when Nari was 2 or 3 she got extremely scared and do u want to know what caused it?"
Her mother had told while Nari looked confused I was interested and asked
"What could possibly make her scream?"
"It was a big spider u know when it happened she screamed so loud they we thought something happened"
She finished as she was laughing while Nari blushed
"I t-thought u we agreed to never talk about it again"
Then when my mother realized that I had been laughing hard she then fired at them
"What's wrong are u tired?"
"No no I'm just worried"
"About what?"

"That Nari can deal with Menma's recklessness"
"What do u mean?"
"There's this one time where he sneaked out and got in trouble in the forest u know he just kept playing like nothings wrong"
I then realized when this happened
"Well nothings wrong with it he probably was small"
"Oh he wasn't u know it happened around last year and while playing outside he had somehow got he's cloths burned so he had to walk back with only a a strap of cloth covering him"
When she finished I felt the heat in my face rise while they laughed and after the humiliation ended the breakfast became peaceful time which I hope last

It didn't as my mom only a few moments later fell passed out on the floor when it happened it took a while for it to register and it finally did when I shouted
No answer then the servants hurried up and sent a word for a doctor while one came to check in her with me I unconsciously went and checked her pulse she had a weak pulse and also it was slowing down and getting weaker the servant also realized and asked for them to call a priest instead of a doctor and he started to try and keep her alive with what he had there while I was to shocked to do anything while in my shocked state screams saying the priest arrived brought me back to reality
"What happened exactly?"
Was what the priest asked I replied in a shaky voice saying
"W-we don't know s-she just fell all of a s-sudden without warning"
He then started to heal her and after a while he sighed and looked at me with sad and apologetic eyes and I knew from the look what had happened and what he said conformed it
"I'm sorry I was not fast enough and she has passed away"
That was the final blow I was frozen paralyzed them soon I also passed out from shock and while darkness took me I only said one thing in a low voice "why can't I have I normal life?"
1.3k words
Authors note
I know it's slow but stay with me soon it will be a faster pace

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