Chapter 6

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Nari's pov
We were having fun laughing and commenting about embarrassing moments it was a nice feeling but nothing good last for a long time as a few seconds later Menma's mother passed out and soon she passed away with that as a final push Menma falls unconscious those events where 2 days ago and Menma is still out cold the priest said he might of passed out cause of shock yet he hasn't woken up I wonder if he's okay
Menma pov
It was pitch black and the only memory I have of this place is when I died does that mean I died from shock again? No it doesn't seem so so I'm passed out yet conscious weird I wonder why.
"This is the ***** that's just pathetic"
What was that am I hallucinating to now man I need to wake up
"Hey don't complain u know damn well why it's luck this"
Ok I am not hallucinating since I keep hearing it
"Who's there?"
I was actually surprised that I could talk and I soon got an answer
"Don't worry u'll know one day after all u are the *****"
What was that it happened again why is it being censored before I could ask anymore questions I woke up and when I did I remembered what happened right before I passed out and after a few moments of silence
Was all I could manage to scream at the shitty way I made my mothers health decline that way and after a few mins of the scream the door slammed open with Nari there and all I did was cry cause what the hell could I do other then that I lost my mother one that actually cared about me took care of me so why why why did this happen to such a warm and kind human why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why the actual fuck did u take her away
Nari's pov
This scream was heard all across the manor the servants where confused who could scream that loud bear a noble mansion but I knew who's scream that was Menma he must have woken up and remembered what happened after I heard that scream I sprinted full speed towards the room we left him in and after I slammed the door open I saw him laying there crying his eyes were dead they did not belong to someone alive I just stood there to shocked how was someone that is so cheerful look like that I got out of my shock and ran up to him and hugged him saying
"It's going to be okay"
But he just kept trembling and crying his heart away and I just stayed there glued because if he was going to support me with my fears then I should do the same
Menma pov
As I was crying I could feel hands wrap around me and someone whispering "it going to be okay"
How the fuck is it going to be okay my mother just died all because we didn't have money to take care of her health problems yea that's it because we didn't have any money she kept quiet about being sick and that's all because that pice of shit father of mine couldn't care less I know what I should do now I should grow strong to the point that no one can touch me ever again
Time skip a few days
Menma pov
It's been a few days since my mothers death thankfully Nari's parents agreed to help do her funeral not like anybody but her few friends and the servants came along with Nari's family but I knew that and I'll make them regret that
Time skip I'm lazy
It's been a couple of weeks after my mothers death and I've been staying at Nari's place for a while and we have decided that the engagement ceremony would happen about a month from now and while staying here I have gotten closer to them all since I haven't been thought how to manage a business they started teaching me so my day would usually be morning practice with Nari then lessons with her father about business after that would be her mothers etiquette which surprised me that she knew most of even the males while the butler chimed in on the parts she didn't know after that would be launch were the entire family gathers after lunch me and Nari practice our magic and also refine our mana hearts for quite a bit of time then the day came the day to discuss our plans which is why we're in Nari's room well at least only me and her
"Are u sure ur okay with already discussing our plans I mean ur mother had only passed away?"
I looked down and then smiled and said
"Mopping around won't do us any good plus I'm pretty sure that if I spent a week just crying myself to sleep and not smiling and enjoying life I bet my mother would have come down from heaven and beat me and tell me to go out and celebrate her life"
"....I see"
"So what's the plan exactly?"
"Well for now since ur a Illegitimate child u can't take my fathers position right away but my plan is that I want to free as many slaves while taking down as many business but I don't know how to do it."
"Well here's what u think we should do"
"What is it?"
"Well one of us can go to actions only for nobles and I think u can guess which one of us"
"Ok what will I do there?"
"Simple u buy the youngest slaves"
"What about the older ones?"
"Im getting there while u are in the action one of us well obviously need to get more money as the money we collect can't support us much so what we'll do is I go adventuring"
"Jeez watch ur voice and let me explain"
"So what's ur point?"
"While I do I'll also try and but the youngest but that won't be enough so what we do is I buy a few slaves that are good at fighting and information gathering"
"How is that supposed to help us exactly?"
"Those slaves will slowly increase i number while working for us what we will do is create a information network along with the power to take down slave traders"
"So simply put get assassin slaves and have them run an organization am I correct?"
"Yea that's pretty much it the only problem is it might take time us I plan on hiding my identity while doing so"
"I would understand why and I get the gist of the plan the only regret is that a lot will be sacrificed"
"Not necessarily"
She tilted her head and I swear to god I saw a question mark appear above her head"
"Well after the organization grows big enough we can get blackmail to n most of the nobles and force them to free the slaves"
"I see. So when will u start?"
"I was planning on going to town today to look for what I would need so wanna come with me?"
"Oh why do u have to come with u?"
"We're supposed to be madly in love right?"
"Then we obviously need to pretend to have dates"
"Well if we're dong this then I'm upgrading ur wardrobe while out there"
"Sure so today or tomorrow?"
"Ok then see u tomorrow"
"See you"
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