The Beagle Family x Adopted! Sister Reader (Part 2)

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(Sorry for taking a while,Studies have been difficult and sorry again since thjs was a bit rushed but here is part 2 of Adopted Sister Reader,Enjoy!
Requested by AriaWars)

    It's been a week ever since the Beagles have taken you in and to be frank it's actually very nice living here, The boys always had time for you and would always keep an eye on you after accidentally leaving the junkyard a few days ago.

You weren't particularly allowed outside since then, Ma and the boys would always warn and scold you if you went pass the gate of the junkyard without them knowing, but you were allowed when Ma let's you come with her in a few occasions.

And today is one of them, Ma said they were going on a family camping trip and you were allowed to tag along! But since it was your first time camping Ma made sure you got your stuff and you stayed with her the whole time.

                          *2 whole days later*

Welp,There goes 'family camping trip'..
We came back from the trip as some seemed disappointed and some seemed exhausted.

I followed Ma into her trailer and started unpacking my spare stuff, Ma then rubbed the back of her head and groaned.

"Y/N, Watch your brothers, could ya'? I almost forgot somethin' I gotta do and I need you to keep an eye on them. Could ya' do that for me?"
She asks me while holding my shoulders,
I reluctantly nod and she pats my shoulders lightly.

'I don't think this'll be easy, these guys are too chaotic and I bet someone is gonna get their bones broken'
I thought to myself but snapped out of it when Ma opened the trailer door, I waved at her as she waved back and left.

                           *15 minutes later*

After finishing up I went out and tried to find my brothers, As I finally found where they were I realized I walked up on a whole mess of chaos...

Black Arts 'practicing' his magic on his brothers while making the other float, Boxer and Bad Attitude were punching each other in the air, Some brothers were running around and some were fighting, You want to warn Bigtime but your three older brothers were too busy joining in on the brawl to care.

You tried to console everyone and tried to fix it all by talking to them but to no vail, Suddenly someone threw a metal disk out of nowhere and hit you hard.

You fell to the ground and groaned, You tried to get up but the pain in your body distracted you,
You tried to fix the pain and also calm your brothers but it all seemed too stressfull so you cried.

Some brothers noticed this and ran to your side as some stopped what they were doing and ran to your aid,
It all seemed so blurry to you,You almost want to pass out and sleep it off so you did..






You didn't know how long you were sleeping and frankly you didn't care,
The sleep helped as it calmed some of your nerves but as you tried to get up you felt a sore spot in your lower back and a headache forming so you laid back down.

You realized you weren't sleeping on a bed nor any cusion, It was Bouncer's lap and he seemed to be talking to someone to notice you awake.

You put your hand above his  then he looks at you with surprised eyes,
"She's awake! Guys, She's aw-" but before he can continue Bigtime shushed him.

"Shh,Will ya' keep it down?! She just woke up, you'll give her another headache!" Bigtime scolds Bouncer, "Oh right, Sorry.." Bouncer apologizes as I smile at him.

"I-I'm fine, It's okay Bouncer" I reassure him,
Suddenly all your brothers were circling you and some were talking over each other

"Are you okay?!"
"Are you hurt,Do you need to go to the hospital?!"
"Who did it?! Want me to beat 'em up?!"
"Does anything hurt?"
"Can you stand up? Oh gosh,She's hurt!!"

You tried to answer them all but Bigtime shushed them again, "She just woke up, give her some space" he scolds his brothers as he looks back at me,
"You okay,Are ya' hurt?" He tries to be gentle as he tries to ask you

"Yeah I'm fine, my back and head hurts but I should be okay" I assure them as some sighed in relief, I sat up but held Bouncer's hand to balance myself.

Bouncer pats my head as some brothers were talking to me to either reassure me or keep asking questions.

                             *30 minutes later*

You felt better now as your headache left and your lower back is now soreless,
Your brothers were by your side the whole time as the others were doing their own things.

You felt better to know your brothers would stop and try to console you as you brokedown, It was very calming the pass 30 minutes

I spent more time with my brothers until Ma came back and told us to get dinner ready,
I suppose it can't be too bad having overprotective brothers who'd be more concerned over you than what they were doing.

It's nice to know they got my back, I haven't felt like this in a long while...
It feels nice to be loved and safe again...

(Again sorry if this is a bit cheesy since I did this in a rush,But hopefully y'all enjoyed it and Thank you all for being patient💙)

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