The Tumblebums x Fem! Reader

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(Yep trying to motivate myself becasue I am not posting enough,Also I may or may not have added Black Arts in here buuutt....You gotta read to see)
Today was a good day for you,It was the spooky season!! And in the spirit of fall and Halloween a lot of people were buying your merchandise!


Your name is Y/N L/N,And you managed a store called "House of the Halloween Spirit".You sold Costumes,Makeup,wigs,accessories,hats,etc. You even make customized merch as well as sometimes sell candy and a few treats just incase.
And you were getting a whole lot of attention since Halloween is right around the corner.

You dressed as your usual costume/work attire;A mime!
You wore Black high leg onesie and with a  heart-like shape on your chest area,White Ruffled Neck Collar on your neck and some small ones for your wrists, and black and white striped shorts that connect to your top, Pitch black boots with white little balls on the tip of your boots and lastly a black beret on your head as your hat.

And You had your usual makeup which was just white face paint with black eyeshadow,eyeliner,a black clown nose and heart spirals on your cheeks along with black lipstick.


Today was a huge hit for you,You sold a lot of items and people even came back a few more times to buy more!
Your employees are currently on their break with an extra hour and you let them since it was very tiring handling the customers.

You were currently on the cashier table cleaning the counter as you also were restocking the candy a second time.
You heard your door bells ring and you were about to greet the customers as you were to turn around but once you did the sight shocked you..

'Beagle boys!?' You internally screamed as you watch them look around the shop.

•One was on stilts but he obviously was much shorter if they were taken off,He looked to be checking the hats aswell as trying to find if some familiarize with his own from time to time.

•The other one looked more like a jester,He was buff as he was the bigger guy in the group and looked to be having another painted-on face behind his. He was looking around the makeup isle that was much more near to your left as he looked through them with a creepy smile.

•The third one was just looking through the costume rack but would occasionally start standing upside down to look through them again.He seemed to have a liking to acrobats as he also had a very creepy smile on his face while doing so.

This all was happening right in front of you and all you could do was just watch their every move,You couldn't call your workers cause if you did you feared it might get them in more danger.

As you were contemplating whether to call authorities or at least anyone at this point,One of them was already infront of you face to face with their usual creepy grin.

You looked at him by surprise since you didn't notice him get close to you,He was the one with the stilts.
"O-oh,Welcome to House of the Halloween Spirit! H-how may I help you?" I asked with a smile yet you could tell I was scared at this point by my stuttering.

He moved up one of his hand stilts and pointed towards the face paint stand to your right as his brothers went behind him. You looked at the pointed direction and the realization hit you.

"Oh! Would you like to purchase some of our face paints?" You asked with a smile as he nodded.
You all went to the stand and gave them varieties of face paint and even some makeup,and to be honest...They were really nice!

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