Chapter 59 - Not my hobby

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Elizabeth's P.O.V


"Margarita!" annoying voice shouted from downstairs. I sighed and put my hair brush down on the bed. I slowly stood up, my dress fell down perfectly on my body and my hair flew down. I looked at my mirror and smiled. I looked beautiful.


Ugh! He doesn't know when to stop.

"Voy [ I'm coming]" I replayed with a slight anger in my voice. What does he want now?

I made my way towards the door to the hallway. I step out and the voice shouted my name again. For the sake of the God!


"Cállate, Benjamin. Ya voy! [ Shut up, Benjamin. I'm coming!]" I yelled and went downstairs. There in all glory stood my brother. He was quite handsome if I d say myself. His hair were dark black color, eyes were mixed between blue and grey. He had that manly yet perfectly good face and body. I guess these things run in genes.

"Por fin! [ Finally!]" he exclaimed when his eyes spotted my small figure. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms on my chest.

"¿Para qué me gritas para? Espero que esto no es una broma estúpida de los suyos [ What did you yell me for? I hope this is not some stupid joke of yours]" I said annoyed and waited expectantly.

My brother chuckled and looked at me with a smirk. That's the thing. I hate this smirk. It's the same smirk my father has. They both are so annoying with those smirking faces they make.

"Oí padre hablando con uno de sus trabajadores en la finca el día anterior [ I heard father talking with one of his workers at the farm the day before]" he said. Again.

He has this obsession with spying everyone and listening conversations. Just few weeks ago he decided to spy our father. He apparently heard something about murderer or something like that. Now he is just obsessed with this idea of finding out who, where, what, why. It gets tiring to listen to his blabbing about it all the time.

"Escucha, yo no estoy interesado en nada de esto. No me importa acerca de este [Listen, I am not interested in any of this. I do not care about this]" I said and turned to leave.

"Espera, me dijo algo interesante! [ Wait, he said something interesting!]" He shouted. I slowed down and stopped walking. My back was still facing him.

"¿Él? [Did he?]"

"Sí, dijo algo acerca de la generación y de la propia. Dijo que lo hará esta noche [ Yes, he said something about generation and its continue. He said he will do it tonight]" My dear brother said. I sighed. He is a lost cause.

"Veremos [ We will see]" I said and went back to my room. I don't have time for this nonsense. I still have to brush my hair to its perfection.

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