Chapter 17 - Not going back there, like ever!

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Ok, tell why the heck we involved ourselves in this witchy shit? Cause I don't have a clue. Let me lighten you.

I and Rosy now stand in the corner and look at our witch, who is scaring shit out of us. Cassie stands in the middle of the room and mumbles some spell or something. Around her is a circle and salt around it. She is shivering and I don't think it's from cold...

"Sit sal protegit me et protegit rota, exsultet spiritus sino mihi inviso eorum library scientiae. Spiritus Disputatio sicut homines exercuerat, levi et esse sinceram, et vera. Disputatio de Spiritu!" Cassie said in monotonic voice as candles around her lit up.

Ok, then. 

She started shaking very much. Whatever, she said, it is really something strong. "Disputatio de Spiritu!" she kept saying this line and shaking more and more. Ok, now I am really scared. I looked at Rosy, who wasn't enjoying this view either.

"Disputatio de Spiritu!!" Cassie yelled and froze. I looked at Rosy then back at Cassie. She stood dead in her tracks and wasn't breathing. Is she d-dead?

I don't think so. Maybe it's some hypnosis? Rosy said to me in minds. I struggled and kept watching Cassie. I went a little closer to her but Rosy's hand stopped me.

"Don't go there. It may be dangerous" she said to me. I shook her hand away.

"She isn't dangerous" I said to her. "Look at her, she's like dead or something?" I said and Rosy rolled her eyes. I looked back at Cassie, who still stood in the same position. I gulped and took one step closer.

"Don't cross the circle!" Rosy commanded.

"Gee, I am not that stupid, Rosy" I snapped at her and stepped closer to Cassie. She looked so calm and pale. I stared at her.[like in the side picture]

"Cassie?" I asked in a whisper. No answer. "Cassie?" I repeated a little louder. Again I got no answer.

"Alright" I said and threw my hands in surrender and went to Rosy. Rosy looked at me like I am crazy.

"What?" I asked her. "I ain't going to talk with dead witch" She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. I turned back to Cassie but for my big surprise, she wasn't there. I blinked my eyelashes few times, but nope. She still was gone. I turned to Rosy, who was as shocked as me.

"B-but? Where she gone?!" Rosy exclaimed and I shook my head. I have no idea where she gone, but I don't like it at all. I started backing down slowly. I don't like this shit.

"Rosy?" I asked.

"Yeah?" she whispered in very small voice.

"Let's get the hell out of here" I said and she nodded.

"With pleasure" she said and we fast turned around and ran downstairs in the fastest vampire speed ever. Like who wouldn't? One minute she stands there like dead and other she's gone? Like WTF?!

We ran down the stairs as we heard horrible laugh. It was like from those scary movies. But the fact is, in movies it's ain't scary. This laugh scared us shitless.

Sorry for language, but I don't think you would be calm in my position.

We ran down to the kitchen and stopped. We looked around quick and listened. No sound. It's like there is nothing in the house except me and Rosy. I slowly looked around as did Rosy.

"Was it her?" I whispered and Rosy struggled.

"I have no idea" she said and I gulped. For a vampires, we get scared fast. But if it wouldn't been creepy witch I don't think we would be scared. Witches a creepy. Admit it? No? oh, fuck you then.

I was looking at the doors and was ready to rip that witch's head if I need to.

"BOOOOOOOOO!" Suddenly, Cassie screamed in our ears from behind. We both started screaming and running out of the room. I screamed as loud as I could. First silent, then scream. Like da fuck?! Then it hit me.

Why I am running? I am a vampire! I stopped and looked back at the kitchen. Cassie was laughing hysterically on the ground. I looked at the Rosy, who was angry as fuck. Oh, it ain't gonna be good. Oh, well.

Rosy sprinted back to the kitchen and slammed her hand on the counter. I stood behind her and glared at Cassie. But she didn't mind us and kept laughing. Yeah, sure just go laugh like there is no tomorrow.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Rosy yelled at Cassie, who was STILL in fit of laughter. Cassie looked at us and started laughing more.

"Oh my, you-you.. Y-your f-faces!! Ahahahaha!" Cassie said in between laugh. We both rolled our eyes at her and kept glaring.

"Ok, enough is enough!" I said and Cassie stopped. Finally!

"You right. But that was hilarious." Cassie said and chuckled. I shook my head and looked seriously at her.

"Did you talk with spirits or just pretended?" I asked her seriously and Cassie looked at me with 'seriously?' look.

"I did NOT pretend. Spirits said tomb is in undergrounds of London. But you can't open tomb without the key. And hunters is the key. So, you need to find a hunter and you will have a key. You welcome, and now, please, get out, I need to write this hilarious prank" Cassie said and motion with her hand to go out.

I rolled my eyes and took Rosy with me. We went out of this creepy house. Then we stood outside that thing, we sighed in relief.

"I am sure as hell, I am not coming there anymore" Rosy said and I chuckled. Yeah, me too.

It was craziest and most creepy witch I have ever met. And I am sure as heck, I don't want to meet any witches like her.

"I don't think I will go back there ever, too" I said and Rosy laughed. I laughed too and we smiled at each other.

It's good to have a friend with same memories and incidents.

As cold wind blew our hair, we took off running to the airport, where we will be able to go back to London.

Ah, London. I just now realized how I missed that place.

Weather, rain, people, my job, cameras, my apartment and ... boys. Yeah, I so missed Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn, they just can't be not loved. Better run faster, can't wait to see their pretty faces.


sorry for a long wait. I was really busy, I had to plan out my parents birthday, do 50 "Open when..." letter as a birthday present for my best friend and I also got sick. So please, forgive me for my lack of presence this month.

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It may mean nothing to you but it means the world to me.


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