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San parked his white Mercedez outside of his house. He stayed inside for a couple of minutes, contemplating the possible argument Mina would start once he came inside. Once he made up his mind, he entered. To his surprise, he found Mina making dinner.

- Hi. I was just making dinner in case you were hungry when you got back. Do you want to eat? -

San felt again the warmness that made him fall in love with her. - Sure. I'm actually starving. What did you make? - He walked to the kitchen, observing as she served the food.

- I made japchae, mom's recipe of course. Also I bought that wine that you like. Could you grab it for me? - Mina placed the things on the table and took a seat. She was aware of the hard times her relationship was going through so she decided to make something nice for once.

- This is actually very nice honey, I can't remember the last time we sat at the table. Thank you. - San took a seat next to her, caressing her face before giving her a gentle kiss.

They enjoyed their meal without any work talk. San was feeling very comfortable around his girlfriend, this is what he wanted to happen on a regular basis. After doing the dishes they walked outside to enjoy the view on their porch. San sat on the couch and Mina followed, placing herself on his lap.

- Sannie, there is something I need to tell you. - Mina didn't want to ruin their first peaceful night but she had to let him know.

- What is it? - San looked at her, getting ready for the worst.

- I'm flying to London tomorrow. One of my clients called and he needs me urgently. I asked him for time but the case is kind of delicate. - Mina grabbed his face, trying to grab his attention.

- Don't worry, I'm used to it. I'll just ask Jongho to run the office for me while I'm at the meetings. - San wanted to stand up but Mina stopped him.

- San you know this is business, we can't lose this client. -

- That's the thing Mina! Lately, everything between us is business. We're a couple, remember? - San felt drained. He had lost count of the amount of times he tried having this conversation with his girlfriend.

- Okay, then what do you want me to do? - Mina raised her voice as she stood up.

- Have you ever considered what I want? Do you think of us all the times you leave our home? - San sounded mad but he was just tired of being misunderstood.

- San, don't say it like that. You know I love you and our home. - Mina tried walking closer to him but San stopped her, stepping back and raising both of his hands.

- I'm tired Mina. I hope you can help your client. Have a safe flight. - Those were the last words San said before going upstairs to get ready for his night out. He really thought Mina was trying to make things better. They have spent the last 5 years together, tirelessly trying to make their relationship work. He knew leaving Mina wouldn't make things any easier, but what about his happiness?

While he was getting dressed Mina was preparing her suitcase. The tension in the room was almost tangible and the only sound that could be heard was the air conditioner. They didn't exchange looks, almost acting like they weren't in the same room. San heard a honk outside of his house, letting him know Yunho had arrived.

Sector 1 was located in Downtown Calabasas, where all the famous people hung out. When San arrived with Yunho the place was packed. The DJ was playing songs from popular artists, making the crowd dance to the beat. San scanned the room, looking for any familiar faces. He located Mingi inside the bar, chatting with one of the bartenders.

- Oh, you made it! San, this is Hongjoong, one of my bartenders. He'll be with you, everything's on the house. - San shook hands with the man in front of him.

- You go ahead, I'll be here for a bit. I'm enjoying the crowd. - Mingi left his friend to enjoy the vibes, he needed this.

San liked his own company, he was having the time of his life sipping down Negronis. As the hours went by, the club kept getting fuller. San was about to get up when he felt someone stand next to him. He saw a man about his same height, with a skin tone that revealed how often he went to the beach. He noticed some tattoos peaking around different parts of his body. He looked away when the man made eye contact with him.

- Do you like what you see? - the man let out, slightly laughing.

- You're so full of yourself. Do you think so highly of your looks? - San decided to look at him, he wasn't going to be intimidated by a stranger.

- I've never seen you here before. - The strange man looked at San with flirty eyes, he did like what he was seeing.

- That's because this is my first time here. - San had a harsh voice but it came with his job. He was required to be a straightforward person, no feelings could get involved.

- Hi, I'm Wooyoung. Can I buy you a drink? - He offered his hand to properly introduce himself to San.

- It depends. Does the drink come with any benefits? - San grabbed his hand and shook it gently. - I'm San, by the way. -

- You're pretty blunt, huh? I like that, though. - Wooyoung grabbed a chair to sit close to San.

- I can show you better than I can tell you. - San grabbed the drinks Hongjoon had prepared for them, taking a sip of Wooyoung's and giving it to him.

- Then let's go somewhere more private. What do you say? - San felt Wooyoung's hand rising on his leg. He knew this was wrong, Mina didn't deserve this.

- Maybe I should just go home. I've drunk enough for the both of us and I have work tomorrow so... - San was about to stand up when Wooyoung grabbed his hand.

- I'm not letting you go like this. - Next thing San knew, they were walking to the back of the club where private rooms awaited for exclusive members. Wooyoung pushed San inside and closed the door.

Inside, the neon lights were blinding, making San feel dizzy after all the alcohol he indulged on. Wooyoung made him sit, opening his shirt a little to admire his chest. San tried to stand up but Wooyoung was sitting on top of him, leaving a trace of kisses from his neck to his mouth. San opened his mouth, silently asking for more and Wooyoung gave him what he wanted. Their tongues met, making San's hands move to Wooyoung's ass. The kiss was desperate, filled with desire. San was enjoying the moment; he couldn't remember the last time he got involved with a man this way.

Wooyoung stood up, about to get on his knees right when San snapped out of it.

- I should go, it's getting late. - San stood up from the chair, buttoning his shirt back on.

- Can I at least get a number? - Wooyoung stopped him at the door.

- It was nice meeting you Wooyoung, I'll see you around. - He opened the door and left. He needed to leave that place before things escalated. He excused himself with Mingi and the couple drove him back to his house.

Desire - WoosanWhere stories live. Discover now