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Alessia POV
I sit down on the bed between Mary and tooney and they both just turn and look at me
"Well" they both say
"What" I question
"I want details of everything" tooney eagerly says
"Not much to say but I will later when everyone's gone okay"
"And me" Mary chimes in
"Yes alright"
Then Ella lily keira lucy and Ellie walk in with keira and Lucy sitting down next to meado, jordan and leah and then Ellie sitting next to them whilst lily and Ella sit down in between them with rach and millie the other side.
As she walks In I can't help but check her out then once she's sat down we make eye contact and she smirks at me so I quickly look away to avoid the red from fully appearing on my cheeks.
Then tooney whispers from beside me
"Everything okay less you're a bit red"
"Don't even el"

Ella's POV
"Omg she's fully checking you out" lily whispers
"I'll tell you about it later"
"Okay what film should we watch?" Meado questions
"What about Harry Potter" leah suggests
"Or pitch perfect" Mary suggests
"What about mamma mia" I suggest
"Omg yes" alessia agrees
"I love mamma mia" tooney pipes up
"Yeah I think mamma mia" lucy agrees
"Mamma mia it is then" rachel says

Alessia POV

*time skip to near to after the film it's just you, tooney, Ella, lily, Ellie and Mary*

"I'm gonna head to bed guys" Mary says
"Yeah me too" Ellie agrees
"Shall we play fifa I only have two controllers though" tooney suggests
"Yeah I'll play you" Lily agrees

Whilst they are too busy playing fifa Ella comes and lies down right next to me on the bed
"Hey" she says sounding relaxed
I look at her arm
"I like your tattoos"
"I noticed the ones on your fingers earlier"
I say grabbing her hand
"Anyone would think you just wanted to hold my hand again"
"I would never do such a thing"
"Yeah sure babes sure"
I don't know what it was but something about that nickname gave me butterfly's ones I've never felt before and suddenly I could feel the heat go straight to my cheeks
"You're very easy to make blush do you know that"
"Shut up" I say nudging her
She just smiles at me
"It's cute lessi"
"Stoopp you're gonna do it again"
She just chuckles at me
"Wanna come down and get some bottles of water for the room with me?" I question
"Tooney we're just gonna go and get some water to put in the fridge" I say getting her attention
"Huh, oh yeah ok bye" she replies

We're slowly getting to the good bit.

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