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Ella POV
It was later around bed time now and
I had just gotten out of the shower and less was laying in bed scrolling on her phone until she saw me and she looked up smiling

"Can I have cuddles now" she pulled puppy dog eyes trying to persuade me

"How can I say no to you"

So I layed down beside her pushing my arm underneath her body wrapping them around her waist this caused her to turn back around and push her face into the side of my neck and she was now facing me

"You smell good gorgeous" less whispers into my neck
"Wait is that weird to say" she slowly panicks

"Mhm ill take it as a compliment less"
I reply softly
"Are you gonna go to sleep like this mi amor"

"God I find it so hot when you speak Spanish to me. And I'm staying cuddled into you for as long as I can"
Alessia whispers

"I don't want you to leave either you know" I softly say

"I'm scared El"
She quietly confesses
"Can you turn the lights off"

So I turn the lights off and gently turn to her reaching for her hands

"What are you scared of less"

"The distance I want you all the time I hate being away from you I wanna see you all the time and I'm so in love with you I don't wanna ruin this Ella"

"Hey" I gently grab her cheek pulling her into me and hugging her resting her head under my chin

" I love you so much less ok I know you're scared but im yours and you're mine nothings going to change that and as soon as I have a break I'll come to Manchester and we'll see eachother on camp. It'll work I promise we just need to communicate and the second you're scared you tell me so I can help okay"


"And as for the light if this is some thing so I can't see you're face when you're upset you shouldn't feel like that you know"

"I just was scared to tell you"

"Don't be. I've got you less"

"Can we go to sleep now"

"Yeah I love you less"
"Always El"

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