Part 3

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Angelina's pov

I just had my dinner and was in my room . I am in a boarding school.
Today is Saturday so we were allowed to use  phones on weekends and have submit it on Monday.
I was just scrolling through my phone when Dante called.the only brother who still cares for me.
"Hello" I said
"Hello,How are U?"he asked
"Fine I guess" I said slowly. It just feels strange when someone ask me how I am since no one really care for me.
"Ok. I want to tell u a good news." He said and I became alert.
" So the news is ur twins are coming back home" he said and I froze.
"Really" was the only thing I managed to say.
"Yes they are finally coming i want to ask you would you like to come home?" He asked
"Of course I would love to be there as soon as possible" I said excitedly.he just chuckled.
"Ok then I will talk to school about ur leave " he said but tan I remember something.
" Wait, I can't come now actually I have exams going on only 3 exams are remaining after that we have holidays of 15 days so can I come after the exams?"
I asked him.
"Ok, come after exams no problem can come whenever u want" he said
"Now go and study but don't overwork yourself and take care of yourself always remember I am there for you whenever  you want.Good night and love you." He said.
"Yes I Will take care of myself u also take care of yourself and I love you too good night." With that i kept the call.

Finally they are coming home.but do they still love me? Do they also think I was the reason they were taken? Will my brothers finally notice me after there arrival?
All these questions were roaming in my mind.then I started thinking about my life.

My family was like the perfect family to me.My parents, brothers,sisters and me.we were living happily then suddenly mom took away Ari and Ame mu twins.
I was devastated after they left maybe if I didn't forced my brothers to take me out that day the twins would have been with us they would have stopped mom from taking them.

After the twins were taken I became silent but nobody noticed maybe because they were also upset or maybe they also blame me. Slowly I started to talk to my brothers like before but they were not like before they stopped playing with me or having movie nights. dad also got busy in work and would rarely be home.

My favourite brother Alexander would also many times ignore me but slowly I got used to it. Thinking I must be reminding them of twins that's why they started ignoring me as it hurts them so I also started staying quite. Occassionally my brothers would spend time with me and take me out but not like earlier. Only Dante was still like earlier to me..

Then after dad's dead I became all alone. My brothers started ignoring me completely now they would talk to me only when I talk to them. Alexander and Luciano would now rarely be home. And other boys would just be in there room only Dante would talk nicely with me.I just became alone.

Then I was send to boarding School.The School wasn't bad but wasn't even good either. I wasn't a social person even starting and after coming here it was like I came to total different world I had to do all things by myself. I am not complaining but I didn't knew to work as I was always surrounded by maids to do work. So it was very difficult to adjust here.

I was quite and would not talk to anyone I was very scared to talk anyone. I feel blessed for having a high IQ cuz the punishment here are quite hard if You fail or do any mischievous.We weren't given food for days if we don't complete our given work. If we wake up late we weren't given lunch. Teachers would also beat students as a punishment.thankfully
I never got beating but was starved for days because some students would do mischievous and put blame on me and I would get punishment.

But than after the principal was changed and our school become the best. It became a second home to me.Teachers were also changed no one knows the reason though.the teachers and staff is know very good and understanding.they love me very much not oly teachers but students are also good with me.

I also had a best friend with whom I used to share everything with. He was my support system and was always there when I needed him.But than he also had to leave and I and very happy for him he can finally live with his family we are still in contact.But after he left I once again became alone.

Every students family used to come to meet them on weekends of atleast once in a month but mine never came to meet me and it hurts too much. I would only go home once in a year that too on my own my brothers won't come to pick me.
A part of me wanted them to come and see me but I know they are busy.

Anyways during Christmas holidays my brothers won't come to pick me so I also stoped going home on Christmas and instead would go with my best friend to his house. They were very sweet and make me feel like family he has two older brother who also became brothers to me.They just love to pamper me and I love to be with them. I wish my brothers would also treat me like them.

Anyways I must sleep now I have exam tomorrow.

Hi guys
Sorry if you find it boring but the rest of the book will be interesting.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊 Where stories live. Discover now